I asked Mr. Nicholas Szankovics to reimburs my 150.00 he charged me for a subcription I cancelled months ago and he agreed to put my money back into my PayPal account. He failed to do do it then I emailed him again and I called him on his phone and he never answered.
That platform was a conservative one, then it was bought by a liberal and now they are going down the hill.
Good job liberals.
They deleted me for using the parody name "Scumblit." All I did was post a bunch of funny political memes. Other members liked my memes. The Admin proclaimed Mumblit is more free speech than Gab or Parler, but he deleted me twice and then deleted me a third time for using the name "Mumblit is not free speech." The Admin also makes up tall tales about other social media platforms like Gab and Parler. There are far better social media sites like magabook.com, wego. Social, clouthub.com, gab.com, parler.com, et al. They don't treat their members poorly like Mumblit does. How do I give zero stars here?
Mumblit is dead. RIP
It never was much before it died. Now it is a empty wasteland with ghosts of misfits and crackpots.