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Don't waste your time with Disqus. No matter how polite or benign a comment it is, their algorithms are designed to remove them. All opinions must agree with the algorithms. I only commented that I lived in a state where tornadoes are frequent, but I have never actually seen one, myself, and Disqus found this offensive.

Date of experience: March 11, 2022
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Follow Mike T.
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Sincerely, several times, I avoid this platform after the stupidity I came across such as creating a stupid account but they won't let you log in. I changed the password I don't know how many times, used either the email address or the username. The site still malfunction and says one of the three is invalid. But am I a moron when I used the reset function with my email address and you don't care if the password is highly protected or not? Just go change job!

Date of experience: June 18, 2022
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Disqus Sucks
April 29, 2022

Just like YouTube Disqus does massive shadow censorship. They also put you in Disqus jail (your comment might not show up for an hour or two or even 24 hrs as in my case). My comments are never published in real time. I would give Disqus 0 stars if I could.

Date of experience: April 29, 2022
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May 28, 2023

2.24 out of 5 is appropriate for Disqus.
Level 1 support is made of "Cookie" moderators whose canned response is allow ALL cookies as an answer to most problems.
Level 2 support says they will look into and even try to duplicate the issue but are about as credible as the "cookie moderators" responses… wait, wait, wait and respond with a "can not duplicate" even though you supply them with your userid, authorize them to use it and provide before, during and after problem screen shots.
NOT an additional web resource I would recommend to any web developer. To many issues encountered with different web browsers that Disqus passes off to websites when they control user login and use environments.

Date of experience: May 28, 2023
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Follow James H.
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Disqus is fine, if you're left wing and woke. If not, they will censor anything you post if it goes against their left agenda. I believe everyone should have an equal say, left and right. No one should be censored for their feelings or beliefs. If you're going to post on Disqus, then you might as well post on Facebook and Twitter... they all censor any type of conservatism.

Date of experience: February 20, 2022
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Follow Nunya B.
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Most comment sections want to use social media crap or make a disqus account. I hate social media and have no interest in giving disqus any information. I could make a burner email just to comment, but that's a ton of effort just to let a blogger know I appreciated their story. Feels like a middle man trying to get between users to get a cut, but instead of money, it's info they can sell. Superfluous.

Date of experience: April 10, 2022
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Disqus pretends to have comment moderation policies; in the last day, I've seen a comment saying "millions of liberals should be shot" and a comment calling a black woman a type of animal as a racist slur.

Neither were removed after multiple reports. Disqus endorses calls for mass murder and dehumanizing hate speech every time they refuse to remove them despite direct policies and criminal statutes against leaving them public.

Date of experience: June 13, 2022
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You can log in and out 10 times and it still wont let you post without "authentication". It slows the lates M1/M2 MacBooks to a crawl and causes them to overheat due to "significant memory usage" whenever engaging with Disqus. All around, pure trash.

Date of experience: April 21, 2023
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Follow Eurich H.
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I visited a few different news sites that use disquist for the commentary underneath the articles. My comments keep getting Automatically deleted. When I go to my profile it shows me the comments but it says that they were "Auto detected for spam" and deleted. It's pretty frustrating because I never spam comments. However I've seen other users write the exact same comments over and over under some of the articles and those are not even deleted. In my opinion they're just using this as a way of censorship to delete comments from people who they don't agree with what they're saying. I've stopped visiting any sites that use disquis for their comments. Disquis can go f themselves. I will not be sad if some hackers crash their systems.

Date of experience: January 31, 2022
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All of my responses are flagged as spam lately. I'm permitted to make an initial post but when I want to respond to other commenters, they are flagged as spam. I tried three times but all spam. I clicked the link to review my responses to reconsider but no success.

Date of experience: April 4, 2023


Disqus has a rating of 1.2 stars from 216 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers dissatisfied with Disqus most frequently mention free speech, abc news and conservative views. Disqus ranks 489th among Social Network sites.
