How would you rate Snapchat?
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July 23, 2024

Snapchat is not safe, it's not encrypted, the owners read your messages and pics. It's linked to a porn sexcam site for new customers, that says it all. Steer clear, better chats out there that are safe.

Date of experience: July 23, 2024
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Just text your friends
December 4, 2021

Snapchat is literally just an app that rewards you for texting. If you fail to do so, your streak breaks. To prevent streaks from being lost, people send meaningless pictures of nothing that spam your inbox. As someone who doesn't text much, snapchat is the biggest waste of time I've ever seen. You could literally just text your friends when you need to and remove all the useless trash to keep your streak.
It's also not safe. One of my friends was severely cyber bullied on this app. It's also full of catfish accounts and accounts posing as minors.

Date of experience: December 4, 2021
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Snapchat sucks!
July 24, 2021

Snapchat sucks. It's for babies. And I thought its big feature was that messages go away, but you can't even delete them all. They stay forever, even if you choose for them to be deleted when read or after a day. You can only delete the ones you send, message by message, as long as the other person didn't save them. And you can download the pictures, too, just like in any other app. So you might as well just use regular texting.

Date of experience: July 24, 2021
7 reviews
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Snapchat is pro-animal abuse, pro hate speech, and misogynistic.

On animal abuse - There are a ton of animal abuse videos and they ignore the reports and encourage more animal abuse videos. It's such a blatant problem that if you look at the reports you can make on Snapchat about bad videos, there are no "Animal Abuse" kinds of reports. That category is non-existent. They don't care and encourage it.

Snapchat runs ads for hate speech and make you watch them. You can report the hate speech but Snapchat ignores the reports and continues to run the ads.

Snapchat public video share moderators pick on and target female content makers. More male creators get their boring driving videos approved or videos of them doing drugs and getting drug for community share than women doing anything more interesting than filming a traffic light or getting high.

All around the company is garbage.

Date of experience: February 27, 2023
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The only reason I gave it 4 stars is because they could update their app more it's not really user friendly. They need to make it easier to add friends to see your friends and just update period. I still use snapchat it's not at all a bad platform.

Date of experience: May 30, 2021
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Its good but...
March 3, 2022

It is good but Snapchat has some bugs to it and I am sure we all heard a horror story where someone is being stalked because someone sees them on the "snap map" but it is still a decent place to share photos and video clips with your friends

Date of experience: March 3, 2022
Hong Kong
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Snapchat is the best social media platform I like the most because it allows me to capture beautiful pictures and video and also snaps share with my friends. Snapchat has great filters which I like the most.

Date of experience: November 19, 2023
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Cheaters Paradise
June 9, 2023

The app has allowed my significant other to find two other guys and have nights with them at different locations claiming to be friends only to find out later they were not. This is a cheaters heaven if you are looking for an unbeknown app which permits cheating to take place on it's platform. While messages get defaulted to delete after 24 hrs so there's only a limited amount of time to get what you need. This app is the best for those looking to commit affairs on their spouses to go since there will be nothing after the one day period. Most doesn't understand that these apps are encrypted for that particular reason so nobody else can get the messages only the receiver and sender can get them. Perfect for CHEATERS PARADISE. DO NOT use this app and if you do delete it immediately. If you are married have your spouse and if they will not, more than likely they are cheating and going to deny it.

Date of experience: June 9, 2023
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I absolutely love SnapChat. I am very popular on the social media site x I love all the filters that r available to u. I also subscribed to SnapChat+, which gives me so many more awesome features. I would recommend trying the SnapChat+ trial if it's offered to u x u will see the amazing differences from the original usage of the site. So many more customized features for SnapChatters.

Date of experience: February 25, 2024
New York
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Creeper Men Alert
February 11, 2023

Watch out for creepy men looking for sex on here. Luis Chanaga liked to chat up women and get them to meet him alone so he could get sex. Married man and highly visual religious leader. Beware married men, men in politics, Christian men all trying to have secret relationships.

Date of experience: February 11, 2023


Snapchat has a rating of 3.2 stars from 41 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Snapchat ranks 19th among Mobile Applications sites.
