I am very sorry that I ever signed up to LinkedIn! I have tried constantly to UNSUBSCRIBE from this GARBAGE LINKEDIN website for many years now without success. Yet I am constantly and endlessly sent more information about some really stupid websites. If you want to spend your time deleting and unsubscribing then sign up to LINKEDIN!
My fiance was diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer and given just 6 months to live. Her family sent her to Nanaimo, B. C. to see a naturopath - Don Ward, InnerGlow Wellness Center. All he did for her was to give her an anal colonics. He gave her false hope and I was present for the majority of the sessions. I stopped going with her to the "clinic" because DON WARD (WHO ISN'T EVEN REGISTERED WITH THE NATUROPATHIC ASSOCIATION OF B. C.) got impatient with my comments. Ward's wife a "nutritionist" got impatient with my fiance and reportedly "pushed her head into the pillow". I felt uneasy with Ms Ward the first day she arrived. She started to look around our motel room, then apologized saying "I guess I shouldn't be doing this".
Mr Ward threatened me in his "clinic" and said he would throw me out. I never raised my voice or swore at the Wards, only asked the occasional question. Don Ward got angry and said "why all the questions". I contacted Worksafe B. C. cause my fiance suffered a fall in his clinic, where there was a raised attached room without a full ramp. She fell and Mr Ward CLAIMED IT NEVER HAPPENED. My fiance passed away less than 7 weeks after wasting her precious last moments on earth at this "Wellness Clinic". Mr Ward also stated he had "lots of guns around the home", and I contacted the local RCMP and informed them about this.
I had thought that Don Ward and his wife no longer operated his clinic, but was shocked to find out he was still in business in Nanaimo, and that is why I'am once again frustrated and writing this.