This site is poor even for propaganda. One could very well take this for a satirical "news" but sadly it is a delusional scribbling void of truth and credibility. I suppose it's existence is for those who wish to only hear an ideology they share and keep them in their "safe space" away from reality.
If you have any semblance of genuine empirical data on a topic, or you are an analytic, the first few sentences of their pieces will put a proverbial chill through your bones.
I have dealt with papers who cite it as Gospel, so of course I engaged in a peer reviewed analysis. To put it mildly, the site is akin to an old Soviet state run paper.
Most of the news on this site is fabricated, or spun to meet a rabid leftist agenda. Not at all impartial and entirely anti-trump, anti-republican, and unpatriotic... A mosque burns down and it's Trumps fault... Garbage site...
In June, according to DailyBeast reporting, 12 million page views and 7.5 million unique visitors... on generous average... 1.4 pages read by each visitor... Must be one of those "we only tell one biased side to any story" crowd. 4 years of big stories... mostly misleading to long term readers. Blah writing skills, by and large.
Perhaps the infamous Alex Jones business model should be Harvard studied and talked about... in code obviously... we all know how much we fight for free speech... so especially the thinkprogesscrowd!?!
Give us news that is relevant, entertain us too, sell product your own kids use and survive on popularity
Their mission statement ( preserved in particular paralysis by the lessor!?!) will be deeply etched on their tombstone... but probably not deeply missed.
To quote the front page, for: social and economic justice; against: public corruption, corporate malfeasance, incompetent establishment and radical right wing agendas. You know whether you're going to want to bookmark this one or not, already. Either way, it's a generally well-written and thoughtful commentary.
Any article i have read was written to create division between races... and to widen the divide between classes... not something that "reports " news... and the click bait headlines are often skewed...
I've read about a dozen articles from ThinkProgress over the last few months, and the one thing that ties them all together is that they are all incredibly sensationalist.
I think that ThinkProgress has good ideals (e.g. Fighting the status quo), but very poor ideas - nearly all of the paragraphs that I've read contain one sort of logical fallacy or hyperbole.
I think perhaps ThinkProgress is an okay place to start an intellectual journey, but a very poor place to end one. Make sure that when you're reading that you think critically - very critically - or else you won't be able to draw reasonable conclusions.
They may lean left but I'd much prefer to lean towards climate care than climate killing, lifestyle consideration & compromise than choice controlling & condemnation, ownership of guilt and poor judgment than hypocrisy of blame & transference. The vehement, vitriolic hate spewed in the reviews I read is what ensured I would donate a considerable amount of money and support. I guess the hatred served a higher purpose... traction and motivation for the re-humanization & harmonization for the future of the human race. Peace & positivity to ALL.
Articles are downright lies. For example they reported on israel killing dozens of gazans for protesting peacefully at the border. Except that it wasnt peaceful there was violent protesting and terrorists trying to cross the border and attack citizens in israel. Israel does not occupy gaza whatsoever there is a defined border and israelis or the army has not been there in a decade. The article skews the facts and is reporting falsely that protests are peaceful trying to make it appear that israel just enjoys killing people attacking them at the border of their country.
At least CNN has the decency to masquerade the stuff they publish as 'real' news. Think Progress is unabashedly filled to the brim with LIES and astounding fabrications. Utter chicken scratch, not fit to read.
ThinkProgress has a rating of 1.9 stars from 19 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. ThinkProgress ranks 11th among Liberal sites.