

How would you rate Curika?
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Curika is one of the best websites in Healthcare Industry. It lets you book an appointment online with a doctor of any specialties, search for medical equipment, experienced nursing staff for both short term and long-term basis, and even chat with a doctor. They have the information about all the known and famous doctors in a city.

I consulting online through their app and my experience was very good.

Date of experience: January 16, 2021
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Worst company for ever
August 10, 2021

This is the one of the worst organization I have never seen this. There is no use of registration with the doctors. This organisation is not send any patient's to the doctor just they will take the money from the doctors after that they won't revert back and what they are giving promocode it's % use less. My sincere request you all don't inverst single rupee of the amount in this organisation.

Also another sincere request you that don't join this company at any of the movement. Because they won't pay any salary properly and the pressure is to high. In thia organisation no one don't know the market simply sitting and dreaming like a hell.

Date of experience: August 10, 2021