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My 11mo old lab/border collie mix ate some white chocolate Hershey's Kisses and we only realized it when we discovered little foil wrappers all over her bed. Through the online chat, Dr Mark Nunez rea... read more
He called me a liar twice, all my documents are in front of him and still questions them. Have I known about him at all I never would have not wasted my time and energy to see him. I see am not the on... read more
Got Exactly what was advertised, in excellent condition and remarkably fast. Placed my order Wednesday morning and received my package early Friday afternoon! I will definitely order from this seller again. read more
This is the website on children's health run by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the largest group of American pediatricians and the group that certifies all of the pediatricians boarded in the US.... read more
This is the one of the worst organization I have never seen this. There is no use of registration with the doctors. This organisation is not send any patient's to the doctor just they will take the mo... read more
If you need quick medical advice this site is better than going to a doctor - This site has great information and is what doctors use to get their info. I went here and learned more than what my famil... read more
This is a typical scare tactic article filled with erroneous, misleading, and unrelated facts. I am not going to waste too much of my time on the misleading details of this piece (please do much more ... read more
This company practices micromanagement 24/7. They don't care if you work for days without taking a day off. They'll even make you work outside your area of expertise and will leave you thinking "this ... read more
Sad day, when you look to humanely put your old dog to sleep, only to suffer through an inhumane euthanization, coupled with little to no bedside manners. My dog and I deserved better! Find another vet! read more
I found this site from a link on for at home testing.
It is also listed on the fda website under Lapcorp read more
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