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Trust No Advertised Price at CSN Stores! - canceled a sale they made to me because they decided that it was unprofitable! I had received an email confirmation of the sale from them and they had initiated the charge on my Visa/debit card, but when a customer satisfaction survey I filled out gave them occasion to look into the sale, they realized that they had posted too low a price, and so they sent an email informing me that they reserve the right to cancel the sale because it was unprofitable! Manager of Sales Adam Cavanaugh showed me a disclaimer buried in their policies that says they can change any price at any time without notice and cancel any sale at any time for any reason. He said that he did have the authority to honor the sale, but was unwilling to do so because it was not profitable. The original price was $360; they corrected it to $540, and offered me a discounted price of $490. Well, I found it at Knight Furniture for $239 + $110 delivery, for a total of $339, so CSN must have an inflated idea of their "profit". If you ask me, for the sake of their integrity and the confidence of their customers, they should have written off any loss. There is no way this is legal in retail stores: even an erroneous posted price has to be honored if a customer initiates a purchase because of it. Is this legal on the Web? Who protects Web consumers? Is it an issue for State Attorney Generals or for the Federal Trade Commission?

Date of experience: March 16, 2009