Camera Wholesalers

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Buyer beware
February 5, 2021

Bought a camera from this company, did not work sent it back as was told to do. They are refusing to refund stating I tampered with serial #? If there was any tampering it was on there end! And who would do something like that anyways? Save you self do not buy!

Date of experience: February 5, 2021
New York
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This store advise for faster service use there website. I used their website and they sent me battery for my Vivitar Flash that was new old stock. Which means I spent $50. For a paper weight. They then tell you ‍ since you used the website like we asked you to, we can't help you. Send an email. BTW When you do as they request, they don't give a receipt for proof of purchase

Date of experience: June 2, 2023
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August 17, 2020

Two local camera shops told me my camera couldn/t be fixed..."battery door covers not available"! Having been in business for over 20 years, we always try to support locally but received ZERO help or even suggestions on how to fix or replace my Battery Door Cover! Thank You! ThankYou! Duck tape no longer needed!:):)

Date of experience: August 16, 2020