It's one of the most famous fake news sites online, it pushes right-wing views and makes things up daily. They also banned me from the comments after a couple of days for having an anti-conservative view.
There is nothing logical nor legitimate about this website. It is a Steve Bannon propaganda site that exists to shill for Donald Trump. I have fact checked a number o their articles and they are ALL either far-right biased or completely fake. I would avoid this website altogether if I were looking for facts because you will not find them at Breitbart. That's for sure.
I preferred the previous phone app format with article titles. Please go back.
An incomplete sentence tells me nothing. I will not waste my brain guessing what the article might be about so I skip it. For a person who used to check Breitbart 3 times a day I am almost totally alienated.
I am looking for another app source of quality conservative news.
One of a very few news sites that I trust. The satellite radio station, is excellent as well. I hope that they continue to expand their platform so that a conservative point of view can still be expressed.
You are delusional and do not represent the US with your core values. You are a disgrace to your parents Barron unless of course they were Nazi. You are the worst I have ever witness. You look like a mess every time you make an appearance. Take a shower, get a hair cut, and iron your suit. Your a mess. Go back to your hole. Btw good luck with the elections. You will see how popular you are not.
I loved Breitbart for years, but recently, they went into the darkness. An article they had about the 2nd impeachment headlined that a House member said, "We won!", after the Senate failed to convict. I commented that he claimed they won, "because he has TDS, Trump derangement syndrome." After a few minutes and several likes, Breitbart DELETED my comment. I deleted my icon link to their site. Sad.
They are designed to get people truth seeking to go back to the arms of the left so the new gen will be easily mind controlled. They put out the most extreme articles and display the most outrageous comments such as MAGA or stupid name calling jokes about what will happen to liberal celebrities.
After reading Breitbart, I realized that they are not true conservative rather a money making media selling lies. It is not difficult to determine that the editor is already aware that they are spreading fake news. But their philosophy is that as long as lies and dishonesty helps them to gain money, why not sell them.
I used to like coming here, even if the pro-gun nonsense was ridiculous. I could discuss things freely here that I couldn't do so on other sites. Then one day, I was banned immediately after talking to another poster that was a black conservative. As usual for these dot-coms, any request for information regarding my banning was ignored. It's just another lame high school lunch table board run by brats who ban you because you looked at them the wrong way. The internet used to be great until the punks running these boards let the power get to their heads. Even Breitbart is getting in on the ban happy game. It's a shame. The people running these boards don't realize that the more people you ban, the faster you turn your site into a graveyard when posters stop going. Same thing happened to RealGM. It makes no sense.
I have been going there for years but they have become more interested in money. In addition, they shadow ban their readers who make comments that they don't like or criticize their politics in Disqus. They have become very shady.
Breitbart has a rating of 2 stars from 37 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Breitbart ranks 11th among Conservative sites.