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Legislative, scientific, gaming communication attracts the reader, but quickly bores him in search of something intriguing. I periodically support and go through the pages Tribalwar. Therefore, everyone will have different tastes.

Date of experience: July 18, 2022
9 reviews
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The only thing they really need over there is an influx of new ideas. More members would surely help out the content.

I like their lack of speech control. You can say what you want but be prepared to defend your statements in an intellectual and insightful manner.

Typically, people write entire pages of well thought out arguments to defend their positions.

Date of experience: June 14, 2011
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Tribalwar is full of honest, in-your-face, controversial discussion. They discuss everything and don't hide their feelings. Tribalwar does not believe in "politically correct" as far as I can tell.

I can imagine the person who wrote the 1 star review does, though.

Date of experience: June 14, 2011
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Follow Scott G.
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TribalWar dot com is a place full of great minds and hearty conversation. Over at tribalwar everyone is honest and true to themselves, making conversation pretty heated at times but who doesn't like a civilized heated debate? At tribalwar there are many people from all different types of backgrounds who are just passionate about everything they say and do.

Villi of TW

Date of experience: June 14, 2011
1 review
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The good fellows at tribalwar forums helped me dispose of my $#*! of an ex-wife without any legal repercussions. Thanks, tribalwar forums -- you've changed the world for the better!

Date of experience: June 14, 2011
1 review
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As an avid enjoyer of kittens and good clean sporting fun, I received a reference to, the referrer mentioning that it was an active community of avid gamers. I enjoy friendly bouts of mario cart and zumba with friends over some hard lemonades on weekends, so I was intrigued enough to check it out.

My arrival and initial greeting post received responses which I could not honestly understand. Things like 'stfu meber', and 'pics or ban'. One poster, who goes by the name of 'Obibun' called me a beta. Is this the slang of the next generation? Fortunately for me, several other members of this board came to my defense. A poster by the name of FngrBang seemed to be a pleasant chap. He wrote often in high praise of his wife and his career. Validuz, while lewd, showed apt timing in denouncing the name-callers and smut-posters which had polluted my friendly greeting.

At the end of my work day and several thread later, I had to leave the forum in utter disgust. I had received almost nothing but negative nancy, ill-tempered responses to my posts, most likely written by angsty children who lacked proper parenting. I'm sad to have seen the face of gamers like myself so defiled by the lack of propriety which marked my experiences so far.

I will not be going back.

Date of experience: June 14, 2011