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F*** these degenerates
December 24, 2017

These idiots celebrate the deaths of soldiers who risked their lives for other people's freedom when they have done absolutely nothing except spread hatred and bs wherever they protest. Disgraceful and ungrateful bastards.

Date of experience: December 24, 2017
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One of the worst sites on the internet.

Nothing but a bunch of freaks who have an IQ of less than 10 in my personal opinion. While free speech is allowed, this site promotes activists and pickets during the funerals of men and women who have served in the armed forces to protect our freedom and safety.

It is very sad to see a "church" promote and work towards something so disheartening.

Date of experience: April 13, 2010
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I thought god loved all of his creations, what the $#*! happened to that $#*!.The bible also says that eating shrimp and wearing 2 different materials at the same time is a sin, all these $#*!es have sinned, lmao. The website celebrates the DEATHS of soldiers who gave their lives to america. These people only want attention, sadly, god isn't paying attention to these idiots. Google needs to ban this website and splash it with some holy water.

Date of experience: May 24, 2018
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I Loved It.
February 8, 2018

Everyone was really welcoming, but I don't understand why anyone would want to greet people with pitchforks and Tiki torches. When I professed my love for the priest, they splashed water on me in congratulations. Although it stung a bit, it was refreshing. I gave the priest a gay lap dance and he complimented me on my satanic qualities. All in all, it was a great experience and I recommend any of the Devil's servants to visit.

Date of experience: February 8, 2018
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These poor misguided parish members have been taken in by a false prophet, in fact anyone who believes any of the ancient hoodoo and voodoo from book's written a few thousand years ago, are just plain stupid and deserve to be sucked in by this a hole. Sorry, no one should be taught these hateful things.If you read these texts today you can see the reason behind them, and the control they wielded from fear. We can look deep into space today and see how HUGE the whole universe is. It is stupid and sad to think or believe any of it when it is so wrong, just start with genesis and you can see the problem. People did not know that you can't have light or vegetation without the sun, hence why it is written just that way, god created both before the sun and moon. Well without the sun there is no light, but who really knew about light photons way back then. And to think photosynthesis with NO sun light? I would love to see someone pull that off. Point is, it is full of provable mistakes, which I find strange seeing it was inspired and written, through devine intervention, by a perfect god, no it was written for man by man. Come to grips people we are better than this. Check out, Why God wont heal amputees, for more fun fact.

Date of experience: January 25, 2012
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What. The. Hell.
July 8, 2022

What happened to "love thy neighbor as if they were thyself" and basically any other of Jesus's teachings

Date of experience: July 8, 2022
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These people are only out for the attention they figure they will get from twisting into evil the word of God. I left them a message below, I doubt they will see their sins, wrongness in what they are doing but made the attempt all the same. True followers of the word of God do not behave as they do. Their blood is on their own hands that will flow into the outter darkness they lean to.
God's message has been twisted by the satanic spirits you have in your heart. God is a God of LOVE!
1st John 4:8, God is love, if you have not love you have not God.
You have been deceived and you don't care nor realize it. You skip over the verses that tell you to be kind and forgiving to one another. Instead you mock God's word. You are representing satan himself.
I know the word of God, you don't know anything about the true Living God. Only the evil one with the evil ways that God will soon destroy.
Repent and be saved from your evil deeds. You have been listening to a lie. God is LOVE, NOT HATE.
Your whole web site is about hate, you are a fake like satan. A wolf in sheeps clothing. Your message is a message of death to your souls. Be mindful of God's true word. You WILL account for EVER IDLE WORD YOU SPEAK when you face God.
If you love not, you know not God.
1John 4:8
Stop committing severe sins against the all mighty God with your evil deeds and words. You word has no forgiveness in it, no Jesus in it. You are death!
You represent DEATH/satan!
The true followers of Jesus do not acknowledge you nor will your demons inside you acknowledge you but they will know others that are truly from God. SO says the word of God.

Date of experience: November 15, 2010