For a station that supposedly loves Trump, Fox has unreliable and sometimes unbelievable connectivity problems. They break for commercials during important info. Loss of video and sound with interviewed guests. Very discouraging, almost as if they cause or allow these things to happen at the most inopportune times especially when it favors the Democrats side. The problem is either fox or the FCC. I am losing interest. I will not watch much anymore. Those things aggravate me as much as Maxine Waters. When Trump shows up at a game or a race or whenever he's in the public eye the crowds excitement and cheers are absolutely minimized. Just about canceled out, very short and no attention paid to him.screw you Fox. These are not isolated incidences it happens all the time and my opinion is shared by many. Cutting out and stepping all over people giving interviews and cutting them off by talking over them at the most important part of the point being made is very cheesy and cheap. I have never witnessed anything like this. Even in the 60s and 70s the connection was better. Again very weak coverage not sure they're on the right side. Shady to say the least.
I missed most the game and the halftime show because the fox network. I missed half the game watching a blue screen. Fox has been the worse year yet for the Superbowl
Sick of Fox hosts selling their books so they can become wealthier. This, Fox, has become the new Barnes and Nobles book show.
If you really want people to listen to your channels, then relay the news as it's coming from Hamas Palestinians as you do it too frequently for jews n israel...please balance your time...a few hundred jews got killed in the last 75 years while israel have killed 1.5 millions of innocent children, women and man...
The FoxNews website used to be user friendly and easy to browse. However, recently it has become a conglomeration of unnecessary and annoying distractions with 30 second commercial advertisements that pop up on nearly everything viewed. I think it is time to move on to another news website that values their customers time and viewing experiences and hopefully avoid a bunch of AI developed articles.
I'm so ashamed of fox. I used to watch fox all the time. I'm one of the younger people who were rooting for a news that wasn't fake or narrative for their own agendas. Your views went down for a reason. You took the best man out and lost everyone's trust. Good luck
This is in regard to the Fox News website. I hope their sponsors read of the feelings toward the site. Fox news is trying its utmost to gain info on its readers by attempting to make you sign in to read an article. I don't feel the need to give any of my info to them or anyone else. I will go into their site and bail out of it on the first article which requires me to give them my e-mail info. Usually, it's the first article. Newsmax does the same on some articles, but lets the reader know before bringing up the article, and the instances are much fewer than Fox. Fox reviews have been constantly moved very far down the search.of their reviews. It does not change the fact of what they are doing. Are they really in such need of reader information? Or just greedy?
I REALLY wish the news websites would STOP putting articles on the web if they don't want you to read them. Fox, NY Times and others seem to want your personal information just like Google, etc.
If you want my personal information, require me to login to your website... but stop with the false advertising - putting articles on the web, then blocking the content unless I give your my personal information...
And what's with videos now being 'headlines'... seems 'captions' are now HEADLINES. It's bad enough that "headlines" seem to change every 10 minutes... guess vendors like the Times have forgotten what "headline" were.
It's always been very clear that Fox News is deplorable but this level of sexism is next level. Saying Taylor Swift has a mouth like a teamster is wildly inappropriate, it's 2023 I'm pretty sure a 33 year old woman is allowed to say $#*!. If I could rate these morons a 0 star I would.
As a Canadian it may seem strange that I could give you overall a bad rating. However as a Canadian our future reality relies on yours. I love that you think Trump is the answer and I couldn't agree more. I want Trump as a Canadian but can't vote. aware that albeit are numbers are low compared to our southern border. Giving the right set of circumstances a fully united front of competent individual and groups in the western hemisphere would be ideal for the future of the world and I seriously don't think on a whole that you represent this or the people but definitely could
Answer: Both are part of the make believe fair and balance crap
Answer: Following many complaints, including mine, about Mr Smiths' obvious obsession, with taking every opportunity to bad mouth the President, Mr. Smith has managed to gather many Fox viewers who would like to see him end is appearance on Fox News, and maybe get a job with a left wing liberal democrat loving, news outlet like ABC, NBC, CBC, etc. I'm sure any one of these news programs would love to hire Mr Smith.So Mr Fox News, do all of your loyal Fox News Supporters and Dump Shepard Smith immediately, if not sooner!
FoxNews has a rating of 1.4 stars from 844 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers dissatisfied with FoxNews most frequently mention tucker carlson, eric bolling and many years. FoxNews ranks 295th among Business News sites.