I was a bit frustrated when I was charged for another year of subscription without any single email or notice from them. I just accidentally found it on my credit card bill. I felt like I got into a trap, but I hope you will fix this issue.
Beware: Tricky company goes completely dark in the hope that one forgets about their subscriptions. No "renewal approaching" or communication of any kind. Then good luck dealing with them. Can't even get a phone number or live chat on their site. I called the minute it hit my credit card. Finally got the number by calling an unrelated one... then told I was SOL according to their terms of service. Seriously? Be proud of your product and not obfuscate so you get another year. Simply unethical.
There is a video where biden brags about withholding US funds unless Ukraine fires a prosecutor who was investigating an oil company that his son was on the board of. Yet she writes this.
"Trump has alleged that Vice President Biden in 2016 threatened to withhold billions of dollars in loan guarantees unless Ukraine fired the country's top prosecutor,..."
Key word her is alleged. Stop running point for corrupt politicians. Find you moral compass and act like a journalist. More than half the country is tired of you leftwing shills corrupting everything you touch.
I complained. But ignored by Bloomberg accounts dept. This is just for storys and the online tv programme. I didn't give permission for 39.99 a month to be taken from my debit card!
No refund or even a response to my complaint
For decades I made sure that my TV network provider would include Bloomberg TV in the package, even at a substantial cost increase. In recent months the TV screen format suddenly changed showing a series of boxes of information, as well as a relatively small box for the commentator/analyst discussion. It has made all of it difficult to read, and certainly makes the discussion segment unappealing to watch. I have a large-screen TV, and can't even imagine what it would be like to watch this on a smaller screen. For the time being, I have switched to CNBC. I periodically check to see if there is any change on Bloomberg, and if this screen issue doesn't change back soon, I will work with my network provider to omit the Bloomberg channel and, thereby, save me some money. What a pity! What were they thinking?!
Every morning I read lots of news. I get energy from reading news on the whole. The matter for me is to avoid bad news and concentrate my attention only on good ones. It's a good practice, because bad news brings plenty of negative emotions and you're negative during the whole day as well. So, I try to read business news, because even in such bad times as these days for global economic, business news bring plenty of positive things. So, I have chosen this platform and this magazine for my daily acquaintance with fresh news because the navigation here is super easy, I woulde certainly advise this magazine for all people.
The news content is decent, but hardly exceptional. What IS exceptional is their lack of customer service. They are all about getting that annual subscription from you: and then jacking it up the second year. There is no notice you are about to rebilled; no exceptions made. They don't care if you leave as a dissatisfied customer; they've extracted the funds from you, and that's all they care about. Extremely short-sighted business model.
This company is fake news to the max. Biased much? Total left wing biz, reporting things that are absolutely false and ridiculous! I knew the media was bad, and Bloomberg is a huge contributer to that. Piss off fake news!
If you want to enjoy full-fledged market analytics, to find out more about financial or just to read quality press-releases about everything hapennming in the world, then here you go. Issue a subscription and Bob's your uncle.
The mobile application is surprisingly optimized well enough, it's jsut a pleasure to scroll the newsfeed and select those that fall under you preferences. I think they can't afford themselves to publish data of poor quality. It perfectly depicts the reality around us.
To MANY popups and adds. Couldnt even read one article with out about 20 popups and adds and spam crap from them. Maybe they should pay more attention to putting out decent and not worthy news and less about lining the pockets of the shareholders!
Bloomberg LP has a rating of 3.6 stars from 48 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Bloomberg LP ranks 5th among Business News sites.