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The site serves to create an database to preserve genealogical information often lost. Personal recollections, details and photos available are irreplaceable and seldom found elsewhere. The fact that it does not charge for its service is most commendable. Thank you to those who support this resource.

Date of experience: October 11, 2023
AncientFaces W. AncientFaces Rep
over a year old

Thank you Lisa so very much for taking the time to leave such a kind review. You know, we are the same family that began AncientFaces 23 years ago and your words really mean the world to us.

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Follow Steven K.
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I emailed AncientFaces regarding a page devoted to my deceased mother, and I was extremely impressed by how quick, responsive and polite their response was. This is a family-run website and not some shady data aggregation site (of which there are, alas, too many). I appreciate AncientFaces' efforts to honor those who are no longer with us, and am grateful for their excellent customer service.

Date of experience: March 23, 2022
AncientFaces W. AncientFaces Rep
over a year old

Steven - Thank you SO much for taking the time to leave a review. Sincerely, it's hugely appreciated by all of us here.

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February 14, 2019

Since anyone can create a profile and change or add to a person's history; it really should not be trusted. The only good thing is that the person who runs it or people, do respond and they aren't rude.

Date of experience: February 14, 2019
AncientFaces W. AncientFaces Rep
over a year old

We are a family run, free, and open website so that everyone can create a complete memorial of a a loved one and/or ancestor. Rarely does this involve untrustworthy information but you're right - anyone can contact us about a profile if they object to the information and we will respond quickly - and, I hope(!), respectfully.

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Ancient faces is a website where you can get family history if someone. You can create an account and add any information to ANY person. You cannot delete anything (no pictures nor the account) once you've uploaded and added things.

The staff takes forever to reply to questions or deletions. This website should allow people more control over the content. If you don't want users to have control then you shouldn't have a website that says it's free of information and access is easy. It's a lie. Anyone can make stuff up about you.

Date of experience: March 20, 2017
AncientFaces W. AncientFaces Rep
over a year old

Lacy - You can delete your own photos/information now (we've updated since you commented) and we try to respond to all emails within 72 hours. If someone "makes up stuff", we take that very seriously and any defamatory or derogatory is always deleted upon request. We're so sorry that your experience was less than optimal - we're a free, family-run website and we are constantly working to make AncientFaces better for all.

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I can't believe it, but I found a photo of my GGGrandmother who died in Pennsylvania around 1866 - I'm not 100% sure because I found two different death certificates on Ancestry. I was searching for my immediate family and didn't find much information so I began working my way backwards. I was shocked when I found a photo of my grandmum - I had NEVER seen her before. What's even better is that when I wrote the person who submitted the photo she has agreed to send me the ORIGINAL photo so I can share with my children!

Date of experience: July 11, 2017
AncientFaces W. AncientFaces Rep
over a year old

John - We're so happy for you! This is one of the reasons that we created AncientFaces 19 years ago - extended family often has information and memorabilia that we don't have. What a joy. :)

North Carolina
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How could you?
March 26, 2022

My name is vernetta Cockerham I went through an horrible tragedy, How DARE YOU try to re write my story?, NOT ONE of my children ever carried the name Ellerbee, I am so upset I must call upon my legal staff plus phoebe zerwick a very well know investigative journalist, hired by the honorable Oprah's Winfrey and the producers of evil lives here look into this matter again how rude that you allowed someone to destroy our memory of my beloved Candice Cockerham.

Date of experience: March 26, 2022
AncientFaces W. AncientFaces Rep
over a year old

Hi Vernetta,

AncientFaces is a place to remember & share memories about our loved ones and ancestors through collaborative biographies ( Sometimes people are added that don't want to participate.

It's easy to request anything about you to be removed. We have a contact form at where you can select "Request to Remove Information".

Anyhow, since you included your name I was able to find the biography about you and it has been deleted.

2 reviews
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Finally got some issues sorted out! I find the site extremely helpful in finding relatives as far back as the early 1700s

Date of experience: December 13, 2020
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Nice Idea, but..
May 21, 2020

The idea of the website is very interesting, but technical issues spoil it. Used to love it but now I share the negative review

Date of experience: May 21, 2020
AncientFaces W. AncientFaces Rep
over a year old

Hi Claus-

Well that's always difficult to hear :) Can you share exactly what technical issue spoils AncientFaces for you? If there is a particular technical issue we'd love to know about it so we can resolve it. As always we respond right away to emails. Just visit to leave us a message.