I have emailed customer service with this company for 6 days and have not had one reply. I have called customer service for 6 days trying to cancel my order and they keep telling me "it's not in the system" and to keep calling back every hour! Their "customer service" is non-existent and appears to be refusing to allow me to cancel my order.
OMG, I have never had such a runaroud. I ordered this product over a month ago. Only one person says I have ordered this product. Customer service had me order it again with a rush order fee of $20. Still two weeks later, no my story, and no record that I have ever ordered it. I have talked with at least 10 different customer service reps, yet I have received absolutely no customer service. I tried tonight to cancel my order and they won't let me do that. So now I am cancelling the my credit card. So my story is... THEY CAN SHOVE IT!