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This review is for Russian speaking only. I have been subscribed to this TV channels web site fro more than four years because my wife is fluent in Russian and enjoys watching. I pay like US $17 include everything and get access to probably 100 live Russian channels plus some others like Armenian. The basic package includes archive for about 20 days so someone can watch live or watch whenever convenient to her/ him. There is also a switch to all the US time zones and to the time zone in Russia which is 8 hours ahead of the US EST. I was very reluctant to give my credit card information back then because of the reputation of many online services and especially entertainment services, but so far I have not had any problems and have not observed that my information had been used in any way (I do not even get spam).

Today I did access the www.webtelek to experience what is like when you have not logged in and find out that there are free trials for couple of days. The site also have radio, video, news and forum sections. I can speak only for the TV channels part.

There are couple of things that one must know before hand: One is there is also a x-rated channel included in the basic package that can be turned off immediately upon first log in but the danger is there if you do not know and have children who can accidentally or not so accidentally click on that channel. The other you still have to watch the commercials when watching live broadcast. One more thing www.webtelek works with Microsoft media player only. I do not know if Mac users can access. I will leave this to whoever is interested of the site and is mac user to find that out.

My wife enjoys the movies entertainment and the cultural channels. Our kid watches many children broadcasts. I also like the cultural channels because I have the chance to watch operas, ballet, classical music, documentaries; a luxury which we do not have very often here in The USA and when we have it we have to fill guilty that the channel that provide them to us struggle for funding.

Last but probably not least After accessing the Webtelek thru Windows Explorer for many yeras suddenly the Explorer started warning me that the site is not safe. So to not be warned every time I started accessing by using the Firefox.

Date of experience: July 1, 2011