Unique Microguides

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New York
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Unique is a chain thriftshop on Long Island and elsewhere.

I bought an item which was 7.99 but had no tag on it.

It was a lamp. Someone swapped shades and the price went onto a same lamp on the shelf.

No lamp was more than 7.99.

They raised the price at the counter to 9.99 and auctioned off to some one else as we were debating with the manager the actual price which he agreed was 7.99.

Another customer who was nearby paid 9.99 for it and walked away with our lamp.

I had cleaned up the lamp verified its operation to make sure it was a good working unit.

It looked better than the other one with two 7.99 price tags on it.

The store policy towards customers is below one star.

They treat you like a stranger though you have biught many many items from them.

I would not recommend going to their stores as they stink.

Date of experience: July 27, 2014