There are a lot of places online that tell you this or that about getting fit or putting on muscle, but none of them compare in terms of quality of information and attention to detail as well as friendliness. If you're looking to put on muscle or lose fat, this is the right place.
If your looking for positive guidance ugmuscle is the place. It's filled with tons of knowledge and people who are in this lifestyle for all the right reasons. I've consumed so much helpful info on ug that I don't bother with google anything fitness health related I look up in the forum first Check it out you won't be *******@vargas33
I went to ugmuscle after getting banned from a bad place. Then it was a bunch of great guys and gals to my surprise looking to help with my diet and training. I started to read and ask questions after I wrote an introduction and everytime I ask a question its answered in depth which means alot to me. All other forums you usually just get told that you are stupid for not knowing but if I knew I wouldn't be asking isn't that the point of these places well im glad that I found ugmuscle and a bunch of the community I honestly consider friends and its not sad like oh no he only has computer friends these are good guys that hunt fish shoot and love nature and their family as much as lifting.
The moderators and members are extremely helpful and patient. I have not had one question not answered. The other forums argue with and berate members, this is not the case at UGM.
Just joined this year but have learned so much. Such a welcoming community I felt right at home. I'm actually on every day. Like a family.
Answer: Easy you just type@bigmurph and he is sent a notification he answers back within 24hrs or you can email him but he only takes emails that are about advertising. If its an email about something else he will get upset because he likes everything written in public.
Answer: Its legitimate there number 1 goal is Harm Reduction there number 2 is outing scammers or even selective scammers also counterfeit products. There all about being legitimate tbey brag about protecting there members not there sponsors
Answer: No drama and everyone wants to help even if you don't know anything about what you are doing there going to help as much as they can similar forums will tell him or her that they should have been prepared before and no what to do for whatever is happening. Its because they usually don't know the answer. At ugmuscle you will get the answer to your question you will not be left guessing unless its medical condition then we can't help