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Rhode Island
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I am not much on coupon clipping, but if I were this would be a gold mine!

What I love about this site are the"freebies" you can send for. I do not "like" the facebook deals, I go straight for the fill in info for myseff, my Mom and my sis in law. It may sound silly but my 81 year old Mom thrills in her surprises such as free trial hand lotion, free small toothpaste, coupon for free baby wipes, free emergen c packets, even two free Family Cirle Magazines, etc.

They also have giveaways which I occassionaly try for.

One suggestion on the samples. Get a separate new email when you sign up on these outside sites. THat way your main account cannot be compromised.

Enjoy. I think of it as my daily scavenger hunt!

Date of experience: November 17, 2010