I"ve done numerous applications thru tenstreet, the disclosure you are forced into signing or you cannot apply and are blocked. Basicly gives them consent to sell your data. They want your ssn and everything for their unsecured site, I have had tech problems with the the website and nobody will talk to you exept for the salesmen, I have a company that wants to hire me at this time and I am being roadblocked by them with their incompetence.
Local numbers and company names to include other local websites to target my goal of 70K-six figure salary (again though this time in Trucking the field which could lead me to start a small IT company also? only time will tell) in order to start my own trucking company. If you going the route im going you must have your tanking and hazmat endorsement plus TWIC and Passport. Reasons are for Port entry and exits, crossing international borders and offshore accounting or simply tax havens accounting. Also you would want to create a nonprofit school (or forprofit school cause my end gain is all about the indigenous youth i know and i don't need no movement for it nah just sheer focus and show and prove with the knowledge and wisdom and when you minding your own business nobody can stop you except your Self) for tax purposes. I have my required TWIC, HAZMAT and Tanking endorsements, Passport and time in the trucking industry plus a clean criminal background and CDL (or at least you try to keep it as clean as possible and the best way is to mind your own business....). Stay real and be positive onground as well as online. LEADERSHIP. Peace in.
This is where i started at and it was a truck driver who passed me this site about two years ago. I kept it. Got my CDL permit and endorsements (you can also go the schoolbus route then jump into city bus or luxury bus jobs or even your own business as a luxury bus or town bus transportation... i see it all the time in TX seriously and you will be amazed at how many school buses are for sale to the luxury buses) and went from there. If you are going the owner operator route don't forget insurance is the most tedious and expensive part other than finding a good "load board". If you know suppliers then contract with them. Guarantee your "meal ticket". I will be doing the load board for dry van along the MI to TX route and sticking to TX for the oilfields which i could water, sand, diesel and oil etc. Im just waiting on my cards to come back in the mail (update: my people checked my mail for me then texted me that i got my TWIC, and HAZMAT of course i had to take at the DMV plus TSA fingerprinting which is two part altogether thank you!, which looked like my former military ID card geez and expecting my Passport back within two weeks then im tanking in TX offshore couped up onsite like im in the military again all about the mission getting incorporated this time and i tell ya patience is a tester for me so i keep myself preoccupied with other duties on my list like a "Do and While Loop plus If and Then" IT Programming...did i just type that? I think my nerdar frequencies of different knowledges are becoming harmoniously better and offbeat and sew) and im gone in the wind to get this money so me and family Tree can finally celebrate we made it. I represent five Branches on my Tree and doing everything in power to bring my male cousins along which i would have to fight the streets and popular entertainment of negative mindset women and negative propaganda to get to several of them. Sometime people can't see no further than their own hand and be weak in LEADERSHIP making moves with sheer emotions instead of closed logic so i have to show them they can get their kids back through joint custody and live more educated backed by rite and business strategizes. A better life ain't going to be handed to you...maybe a Dynasty Trust Fund without any restrictions though not I or anybody i know cause you have to put in work based on your duty to the youth behind you. Oh what you thought this life is a 9 to 5? Better wakeup and smell something that can uplift your present potential up out that casket cause a bed is a casket without the walls and that door which shuts without a key. One bed is for the living and the other is for the dead...some people get it twisted but of my family Tree nah. You have to want and need yours just as much as your opponents will to keep you in a relationship with them not knowing or knowing. The only way to fade your opponents is to be better than your last times and practice that in my half marathons too cause they obstacles or Pawns on my chessboard. I move them against themselves by staying Balance and out of sight minding my own business. Cause if you focused on you then who can stop you? Nobody except fear... and fear been defeating people for hundreds and thousands and eons though who i know for years and years. Stay in reality and keep doing your research is what i tell people all the time. Don't take my word by face value.. go look it up yourself. And when you find out i was not lying then you going to wonder who you really around ain't they company to keep in the first place. See these lessons go all the way back to when my Mutha use to say "watch who you hang around" so in truth and fact if you trying to be better than your last times you need that same type of energy and focus around you too. You never know the outcome of being positive could be a financial group... an investment club... a credit union... a politikal action committee (cause it is a difference of poitical vs politikal do your research)...orphanage and private school for at-risk kids...a transition home for juveniles to businessmen and women...you see what im saying? This is real. So yeah this site is full of companies and third party solutions. Go for it and i rate this site 5 stars. Peace in.