How would you rate TeknovanZa?
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May 19, 2014

Yep! TEKNOVANZA, this is the Blog Car Audio and Automotive made ​​using the Blogger platform. I gave him a 4-star, but I love it, and maybe one day when I visited again and not make a bit disappointed I will review it again and give 5 star.

I really like the automobile, so if there is anything that I do not know, I 'll definitely look for answers through Google's Site Search. I often refer to Google heading in Automotive Teknovanza site, in which a lot of useful information from Car Audio System, Price, tips and how, etc.

Maybe it's a bit of excess that I can say. And now a shortage of the site. Navigation system, a navigation system in my opinion is not good in terms of content. In terms of the contents therein or less in accordance with the description motto. Second, Teknovanza too heavy for the browser that I use. Third, I think the blog is still often in fox display design, and it's quite uncomfortable when I also was visiting.

Date of experience: May 19, 2014
3 reviews
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Got a car alarm from these guys and it works just okay.

Date of experience: June 18, 2014