Store Locations Music and Arts

Store Locations Music and Arts

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I rented an instrument through a local store that was acquired by music and Arts. The first month they took a double payment, and then I received collection agency notice for the same amount. Took a couple months to have them credit my account and retract the collection from the collection agency. I have now paid off my instrument as verified through the local store. Music and Arts just illegally took money out of my bank account again. We shall see how long it takes to get this refunded. Do not rent from them they have horrible business practices and should not be in business anywhere.

Date of experience: September 9, 2023
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Follow Naomi Q.
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Music and Arts contractually takes the teachers rights away to communicate by phone with any of their students. This goes completely against all teaching standards, even in public schools. Music and Arts charges $7.50 more an half hour then any stores within a 50 mile radius. They rent broken instruments to students. They video tape all of their lessons, which is creepy. They are truly the NWO of music stores. Do not work there. Do not rent from there. Do not send your kids for lessons there.

Date of experience: May 7, 2022
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Follow Lawrence G.
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During the coronavirus pandemic I was curious as to whether music and arts would be continuing their music lessons for my child. I called the store, no answer. I tried to contact his teacher, no answer. Nobody reached out to me, and when I tried the corporate office, nobody was there. Their system in dealing with the customers leaves a lot to be desired and the worst part is they were still charging my credit card the whole time. For what service? My child is not not receiving any lessons and I had to end up canceling my credit card. The fact that this company, as large as it is, doesn't even think to contact their loyal clients during a time like this just really shows their true colors.

Date of experience: June 1, 2020
District of Columbia
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I don't want to go into too many details because they tried to threaten me before. Just please stay away from this company at all. All the bad reviews are true.

Date of experience: September 19, 2019
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Follow Sandra M.
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BUYER BEWARE! DO NOT RENT INSTRUMENTS FROM THIS PLACE! We rented an instrument years ago from this place, and returned it in mint condition. They claimed they never had instrument, and sent me to collection agency for $478.66 (price of instrument). I called all around to find out they DO have the instrument! When asked to remove item off my report, they told me we cant do that, we dont report to 3rd parties. Yes you do, how do you think it got on my credit report? They forward me to voice mails when I call corporate office, Kelly and Robin, the general managers do NOT call back nor offer help. One RUDE male hung up on me after telling me to pay my bill! I do not owe anything, I do not have the instrument, MUSIC ARTS CENTER IN ITASCA has the instrument, but keeps reporting that I owe money.
Beware! This place is a SCAM


Date of experience: May 10, 2017