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There's was a few changes with Users always complain about it, but they always move on and use it till the day.
So i guess it's just about some kind of habit or an old friend that you can't just break up with.

Date of experience: April 23, 2016
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Follow Roger B.
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I've used since 2015. This is great when you see the evolution of your music preferences, statistics can say really a lot about you and that's how you remember what has happened in October 2016, for instance, your mood and inner state. Also, recommendations work well and help you to discover new bands that you probably will like. Also, there is a lot of information about the bands.

Date of experience: June 19, 2019
4 reviews
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Follow Harley F.
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Report Review helps me find new music and to see what my friends are listening to. I really like seeing how my music tastes have evolved over the years and with the new year in review feature I will see who were my favourites every year with very detailed descriptions.

Date of experience: October 31, 2018
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If you love music
November 2, 2014

If you love music- you like
Here you can find any style of music, bands, or singers, and just any information you need. You can listen to the best songs and view photos, watch videos. So, I think it's a very usefull site.

Date of experience: November 2, 2014
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You were my love
November 10, 2016

I used to check Last Fm couple times per hour in the past. But after changes they've made I don't use this website so often. Still the project are awesome!

Date of experience: November 9, 2016
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Follow carl c.
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Report Review has been able to build up a very large database of music profiles and any kind of recommendation system, It is providing good music recommendations and it easily attract listeners. You can watch what thousands of people are playing; they have extremely accurate and up to date music charts and home maker creating. You can have good entertainment. So I am really appreciate.

Date of experience: September 24, 2014
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Follow Jeremy G.
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If I really want to listen to some new music while I'm working and I don't want to pay attention to how I get it (ie, read articles) I use For me, it's better at finding obscure new music than Pandora. Although I find some of the pay upgrade prompts annoying (you have to pay if you want to hear a radio station based only on your favorite songs) and you have to download a client, which often crashes on my Windows Vista. Net net - not bad.

Date of experience: October 23, 2009
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Report Review is better for finding new music than Pandora - I hate downloading things, but the Last.Fm client is worth it. It keeps track of all the music you listen to on your computer and then plays songs for you based on those preferences. I also like Pandora, but Last.Fm has a larger variety of new music suggestions (indie rock, bluegrass, whatever).

Date of experience: January 23, 2009
19 reviews
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Follow Kasey P.
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I think I like all the other ones beside this one. Pandora and iheart radio rock! I give them this much credit. I thought it was cool when they first came out. It's not as cool as how it use to be since all these other guys came out with better features and stuff..

Date of experience: August 16, 2010
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Unlike other websites, provides users with the ability to reach out to new artists while listening to music that suits one's own tastes. I have found many different songs that I enjoy through this website and feel that it has helped me become more informed with the artists that I like to listen to. It's great being able to listen to commercial free music while giving money back to the bands through the advertisements and does a lot for the music industry for recognition.

Date of experience: February 19, 2010

Overview has a rating of 3.6 stars from 44 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Reviewers satisfied with most frequently mention and new music. ranks 5th among Radio sites.
