Stanciu Advanced Eye Care and Laser Centre

Stanciu Advanced Eye Care and Laser Centre

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I was very impressed by the doctor. I will continue to get treatment for my eye issues by this master of her craft and a bit of Botox helps me to feel more confident. I'm so glad I found her and her staff.

Date of experience: February 12, 2016
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Dr. Stanciu and her team were very warm and welcoming. She is extrememly professional and honest with any questions or concerns. After my treatment there was an immediate glow and radiance that did not go un noticed by my boyfriend and other people. I received compliments almost every day from people that saw me on the street. And the best one is my boyfriend telling me that I look at least 10 years younger and more fresh. Highly recommend Dr. Stanciu and her office.

Date of experience: April 6, 2016