Shea Medical

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Throughout my life I have had many injuries that have led to chronic neck and back pain. I have also suffered from migraines since puberty. I have tried conventional doctors and medication along with chiropractic adjusts for years without successful relief.
The doctors at Shea Medical Center do things differently. After a thorough consultation, a variety of labs and x-rays were ordered. I began vertebral therapy which began helping my back and neck pain. I also discovered I was deficient in a variety of nutrients. I have added high quality supplements into my daily regimen and improved my eating habits.
I am happy to report that I am feeling great!

Date of experience: December 11, 2014
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I am writing to express my extreme satisfaction and gratitude for the treatments I received and the service given by all the staff at Shea Medical. I travel extensively for business (well over 100K miles per year on average). With the combination of your standard airline seats, carrying a heavy backpack, pulling around even heavier luggage, the “mad dash” from one end of an airport to the other, and a wide variety of hotel beds, I suffer from chronic back and neck pain. The spinal adjustments and vertebral treatments I receive from the doctors at Shea Medical are a welcome relief for that pain, and over time, have lessened it considerably. The facility and equipment is top notch, the doctors are great, and the staff is always friendly and courteous. Recommendations of the highest, and thank you all!

Date of experience: December 12, 2014