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I love this website
April 24, 2010

I love this website. They have the best workouts that I can just print off for free, and online logs to keep track of my diet, workouts, weight loss, etc. They have tons of health calculators and articles, and even detailed weight loss programs. They also have these 30 days to a better you programs, where every day they give you a new piece of advice, like some of the programs are 30days to a happier life, or to a clean, more organized life, or to financial stability. Best part is... It's all free, seriously! And it's good quality info too!

Date of experience: April 24, 2010
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The best company i know
September 17, 2023

This is a geat company. I bought my Makita scrapper HK1100 in 1993 and now the triggering plastic housing disintegrated as well as the power cable. NObody has the parts anymnore but this company has it. NOt only that but the new housing is slightly changed, which is confusing, but they attached a video on how to connect in their invoice emailed to me. That was awesome, it helped me to install it at no time, without it wouldl not be able to use my scraper again. This is a great store, truly customer service oriented as i know in the good odl days.

Thank you

Date of experience: September 16, 2023
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I got really bad with my credit and it sank. Not much help from SELF, money payed to them was a waste for sure. I got my credit cleaned up by an expert named Blitz.

Date of experience: July 26, 2023
New Mexico
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I was subscribed to Self on my snapchat story. But I saw something that made me think, it is bias without research. As simple as that. They downgraded an important person that could have possibly saved my brother's life, that person is named Jordan Peterson. Obviously everyone is entitled to their opinion but things are not as black and white. The topic of discussion was "wokefishing" a Self interviewer was generalizing people who follow Jordan Peterson as "bad" insinuating disgust to the man without even explaining why. This promotes and encourages people to not be open to discussion open beliefs and value when meeting different people and adds more polarization to our world. I wonder if she even researched this man and came up with an opinion of her own before even categorizing him and said whatever line she was given by the Self writers. There was another headline that bothered me that was titled " Are you not the chill friend?" What does that even mean? What are you trying to say? That by not being the "chill" friend you're not the approved friend? It can hurt an impressionable young girl. They could have simply said "how to relax when you're stressed and not need validation by your friends and they'll be there for you even if you're having a hard time because that's what friends do." Seriously disappointed in this company.

Date of experience: September 13, 2020
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I was an inaugural subscriber- that tells you how old I am.

I enjoy magazines that are still delivered via snail-mail I'm sorry SELF is not longer among them.

Date of experience: January 5, 2020
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July 11, 2022

Before you say that I must have been paid for my review. I assure you. This is my true and honest perception of the past 12 months with SELF and their plan. I was in no way reimbursed by SELF. I did get from them a Better Credit Score and Confidence moving forward!

The past 10 yrs have been a nightmare. Without going into detail my 703 Credit Rating went down to 400. In three months! I couldn't borrow a cup of sugar... from my Grandmother!
Anyway, a year ago I signed up for SELF. It was easy and the flexible plans allowed me to actually make the autopayments each month. ON TIME. The 1st month passed. My score went UP 4 points! It hadn't done that for 10 yrs!
***This might work?!***
I checked into the app regularly and listened to the advise. After 3 mths I qualified for the SELF Credit Card. Set it for autopay. Used it, VERY sparingly. Have had 2 limit increases. Now, after a year, my score is up 91 points. I have a (modest secured credit card). I still have work to do but, SELF gave me the first step I needed. I can move forward with a little more confidence and security!
One step at a time!

Date of experience: July 9, 2022
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Amazing facility
November 25, 2018

Amazing staff and clean! Would highly recommend to anyone needing to store their precious belongings

Date of experience: November 24, 2018
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June 9, 2021

I am very happy with Inboxdollars. I just wish you weren't getting rid of checks as offer of payment.

Date of experience: June 9, 2021
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June 18, 2022

Hi guys I'm am washim raja. I am from rauthat Nepal. This is my prosanal information. I thik you like it.

Date of experience: June 17, 2022