How would you rate Satyrfilms?
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New Mexico
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Seriously, if you want gay porn so explicit and intense you'll question existence itself, then I introduce you to Satyr Films. A small production company out of California that has seemed to cease operation around 2010. Not much is known and the site is ever if updated. But, this content will stand for all time as game changing porn. It was the first direct marketed kink porn. During the recession of 2008, many of the films premise go off of "luring a cash strapped guy in with cash". Guys profess to be straight, some faces will pop out if you're familiar, but some you wonder if they really found a guy desperate enough to.

Raunch gay porn, which sounds like a dichotomy, but it's true. Some scenes you can expect to see 15 minute stretches of analingus. This is no joke. Maybe with a new resurge of this small porn studio during another recession, maybe.

Date of experience: December 18, 2020