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Grindr banned me for a second time for doing nothing wrong. I am sick of the crap anyway. Many of the people are professional prostitutes who use the site to make money. Others are there just to pay them. Many are underage, so, you take a HUGE chance when you meet them. Many are paid to get you to join other dating sites that charge money. The pictures of most of the people who have joined are not theirs. You find out that when you do a meet. Many are into hard core drugs. I found that out the hard way. Many are married. Some admit to it. Most don't. Stay away from this site under all circumsatances or you will regret it.

Date of experience: October 24, 2024
New York
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No customer service
June 14, 2024

A couple months ago grindr gas had many bugs which they never fix and a few weeks ago I submitted a ticket for the app taking way too long to load everything I I received the automated response immediately saying they will reach out to me in a few days and that was may 31st with no response at all! I pay for premium and their customer service is trash. No help whatsoever! I've canceled for this reason and I'm deleting the app as well! Grindr is garbage. They don't care about their customers free or paying

Date of experience: June 14, 2024
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Follow Jo T.
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This new Grindr is not making anything easier it is making meeting much worse. The direction of the platform has changed from a place where men meet to a place where the rich can make money off of men not meeting. Going public. Almost their biggest mistake ever. Behind the charging out the butt just to see 600 profiles. Wow.

Date of experience: August 4, 2023
New Jersey
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This app is horrible
March 14, 2024

You know your site sucks when the dmv is better ran then grindr I cannot believe this site went public and its trade on the market apparently people to sell this stock asap
You people failed miserably

Date of experience: March 14, 2024
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Front for the scammers
December 27, 2023

I was just got booted off grinder, No reason given. Although I found legitimate people, in the grinder app. I was also being bombed by scammers. Mainly a lot of them claiming to be Chinese, their pictures look as tough they have been cut out of a GQ magazine. There are also a lot of white hustlers, selling their services. 90% of the contacts were from the individuals claiming to be Chinese, living hundreds of miles away from me. The rest were the masseurs selling their services. I wonder as to why the government stepped in,and shut down Craigslist, yet they continue to allow Grinder to get away with their crimes.

Date of experience: December 27, 2023
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For years I've been trying to make another account you can't. It says phone number used too many times, of course they don't provide any support yet they want to charge $100's of dollars. I deleted one account that i managed to get working but I can't create a new one. To hell with them. That company needs to be investergated.

Date of experience: January 28, 2024
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Follow Luciano Q.
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If you are paying for GRINDr Ads I will let you know they have so many problems in their platforM that they are basically stealing your money. We spent thousands with them and after not having a single convertion I decided to run a few reports most of the devices are showing just a black ad.they ignore all the problems, but many of this bugs are even visible if you just try to use their platform

Date of experience: June 28, 2023
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September 14, 2023

You pay a hundred dollars for a subscription but that doesn't even allow you to see who visited your profile - they want you to pay even more for the basics that other sites have for free even after you already paid a hundred bucks - will not be renewing - snake oil salesmen - pond scum feeding off of the gay community

Date of experience: September 14, 2023
New York
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Follow Tony S.
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August 13, 2023

They now want to minimize how many profiles you can view so you will be forced to pay money for membership. Even when you purchase one, they want you to purchase other memberships in addition to the first one for other services. This is a horrible tactic. I miss they way it was prior to this corporate change.

Date of experience: August 13, 2023
South Carolina
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Follow Joseph B.
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December 7, 2023

Worst site, won't return emails, sent 3three no return, band me for no reason or explanation, all they do is cater to scammers getting number then ur accounts and they do nothing about it, I told one what I thought and grindr responded right off warning me, I'm sure this goes on deaf ears.

Date of experience: December 7, 2023


Grindr has a rating of 1.5 stars from 184 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers dissatisfied with Grindr most frequently mention customer service, drug dealers and fake profiles. Grindr ranks 21st among Gay Dating sites.
