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This site will send you fake winks, likes, and whatever it takes to get you to sign up with your credit cards. Once you sign up you are pretty much wasting your money. Fake profiles all over the site. No quality women on there. All you are doing is talking to fake people in chat rooms Save your money, there are other sites out there.

Date of experience: January 8, 2013
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I registered and then apparently got all these emails that I could only read if I paid. So I did. I think all the profiles were bogus. I searched for lesbians in LA and got straight women in CO.

Date of experience: April 10, 2012
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I was registered at this site for a very brief period of time last month. During which, I paid around $7 for a three day subscription to all the site had to offer. Two days in, I decided I didn't want to be registered there, so I removed my account after being sure that a person had to manually sign up for any more subscriptions (and I did make sure).

A few days go by, and suddenly I notice that my bank is overdrawn. The website decided to bill me for a full month's subscription without my knowledge or consent--nevermind the fact that my profile wasn't even active! When I called their customer service, the woman on the line mentioned that she agreed that I wasn't supposed to be billed again, and that they'd follow up with me in an email within 72 hours. Great. So I'm expecting a refund.

Instead, I get email telling me that I'm $#*! out of luck, but that they'll happily give me three months free. WTF. It would be cheaper for them just to give me my damn refund! My damn account is DEACTIVATED, which means I really, really don't want to be a member there.

BE CAREFUL. The website is a huge scam, and I'm currently opening a case for Paypal for the unauthorized transaction.

Date of experience: December 2, 2012
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My bf and i joined as a kind of foreplay and just for fun a few months ago. I recently decided to cancel my membership because the site would never let me log on and when it did the members were so scary and overly aggresive. I emailed my request to end membership and got an email back saying they won't stop billing until we find your info of which they couldnt. I politely wrote back saying i stopped my membership 5-2-2010 and i won't pay after that just because you all couldnt find my info. Well thats when it all began i recieved two more letters calling me a liar, a moronic peice of gutter trash and telling me if i didnt settle my debt with them (of which i have proof of payment on my bank statement) that they would notify my local autorities. I had to get a new credit card # and identity theft pertection at my back because of them. I then complained on the website and consumer websites about them, thinking nothing of it. The next day i recieved a phone call from a supposed detective with the London police telling me I am going to be arrested and someone from their dept was flying out to extridite me back to the UK to stand trial! I have contacted the police in London and my local autorities and both said that I am the victim of a large hoax and not to worry. These people need to be stopped. Not everyone has as thick of skin as I and this could have been, for many people, a horrible and frightening experience and i would hate for it to happen to anyone else. STAY AWAY FROM PLANETSAPPHO.COM.

Date of experience: May 7, 2010