I used to like RootsMagic. Now...
Try to get hints, get hints from findmypast. Need subscription to view their hints! Hints from My Heritage. Need subscription for My Heritage hints. Why even bother to give hints I don't have access to? If I had the money to pay for EVERY genealogy website out there I would just hire a professional genealogist and be done with it. HINTS ARE USELESS IF I CANNOT ACCESS THEM! I cannot find a way to turn off their useless hints when I try to get hints, so if I try to get hints, they expect me to PAY FOR THEM!
Have had RootsMagic 7 Mac for about 6 weeks. Just when I think I've resolved one issue... another comes along. I've spent hours just having to figure out why it's not doing this, or not doing that. Called their customer service and was told "oh, it's a Mac issue... don't know much about that, the person who usually takes care of Macs is gone. You might trying calling when it's not 5 minutes before we leave for the day". Other customer service calls were equally frustrating, so most times I'm left to my own devices. Big disappointment.
I really wanted to love this program but the amount of glitches is unacceptable. Half my ancestory sync people match to "unknown." I can't transfer more than one category of sourced at a time without getting an error message and it is not user friendly. I will be switching to a different program when I can afford it. RM 8 has the ability to be great but it's now been over nine months since it was released which is plenty of time to work out the bugs, especially with the number of errors reported but they don't seem to care. Save your money and find a different program.
Version 8 is, in my humble opinion, a HUGE letdown. It's clunky at best and very difficult at its worst. Version 7, as it's been pointed out, was a smoother, more user friendly. I was able to memorize keystrokes to achieve what I needed to do. With Version 8, it took me 20 minutes to figure out how to generate a Family Group report. Hey, RootsMagic, make Version 8 more like Version 7 in looks and abilities. I've chosen not to use Version 8... I'll just write the amount I wasted on my upcoming taxes. Or, better yet, find a better genealogy program... now that's a good idea.
Terrible program, what a let down, version 7 was better looking and more user friendly. Total waste of my money. Won't be using version 8 and thank God I still have v7. I'm a retired IT tech and this program is NOT an improvement.
This is similar to the old LDS PAF program for Windows that I used in the past so the learning curve was easy. I like the 'Rootsweb to GO" feature that let's "bring" your file with you portable devices. I even bought copies of the program for family members without any genealogy software to share "our tree."
I wanted to list all those on my tree who had lived in a particular place and my husband said it would be a nice feature but that it couldn't be done on My Heritage. I quickly called the Helpline, was on hold for no more than 20 secs and then spoke to the charming and helpful Talia who handheld me as she walked me through the minimum of steps to reach my goal. Brilliant solution and even better support from Talia.
This is a good idea letting the elder generation talk to young members of family. It can be very helpful transporting little stories and historical motovation.
How nice would it be to include speach of grands?
RootsMagic 8 is kludgy and counterintuitive. For some unknown reason, the developers have eliminated all of the single key commands that made entering genealogical data quick and painless on previous versions. They've completely sacrificed ease of use and the needs of the genealogist for a cartoonish UX that forces the user to hunt for buttons to accomplish what used to be done with a couple of keystrokes. I ditched it after an hour and have gone back to RM7.
Software upgrades should improve usability, features, and user interface. Yet Version 8 is like time traveling back to 1982. We want to do family history not relive history.
Answer: Hi Bob, I use RootsMagic Version 7 and I love this version! I think the number of generations you can print (after testing this) is as followed: To print Pedigree Chart - 6 generations per page and as far as the # of generations you can print really depends on your database. I played around and entered in 200. While I don't have that many, the number didn't change. Now, if you want a Narrative Report, I noticed something different here. When I type in 10000 as the number of generations I wanted to print, just as I hit the Generate Report button, that number switched to 20. This might be the max number the database will print or it might detect that I only have 20 generations to print. If I get more people in the database (watch me, I will do it!) I'll revisit this and give it a whirl. I hoped I answered your question.
RootsMagic has a rating of 2.2 stars from 20 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. RootsMagic ranks 6th among Genealogy sites.