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Great idea for a site!
February 21, 2012

Great idea for a site! Type in a city/state where you live and browse photos taken from various generations in the area you are searching for. On first look, I found pictures in my area from the early 1900's and even earlier. If you are into history or photography, this site offers a little of both.

"The premise is simple: provide a platform where anyone can easily upload a photograph with two straightforward tags to provide context: Location and Year. If enough people upload enough photographs in enough places, together we will weave together a photographic history of the world (or at least any place covered by Google Maps). So wherever you are in the world, take a moment to upload a photograph and contribute to history!"

[1] You are into photography
[2] You are into history
[3] Ad free

[1] You aren't into photography or history

Date of experience: February 21, 2012