Great politics aggregation site - For those interested in politics, RealClearPolitics is a must. It aggregates all the latest polls and cuts them in various ways so you can really follow what's going on -- and get beyond what the national press seems to think the story is. Additionally, however, it aggregates the big politics news items (video and transcript) from the major publications as well as politico blogs (and it has its own blog, too), so you can follow the national conversation as well and keep up to date on what people are saying. They link to interesting pieces, and it's better than scanning or coming up with your own RSS Feeds on this topic I tend to find.
If you look at all of the polls and graphs they are all misrepresented. Especially when they line up candidates in a row. Lets learn how to count and put the candidates in the correct incremental order. Lets tell the real story.
I don't see how anyone could view the site as bias, they just pull in content from all over the net and collect it one clean site design. This content comes from all sides of the spectrum and their is usually a good variety. There are some articles written by the RCP staff, but they aren't very radical. Usually it's pretty reasonable thinking.
They will hit you with a "Disable Your Adblocker" screen after visiting the site a certain amount of times in a given period. My advice would be to open all the articles you want into different tabs.
The polls are largely unreliable in the early stages of an election, but all polls are this way, so I can't fault the site for that. There is a lot of information and infographics that help decipher the leanings of the country.
Overall it's a good jumping off point for political news and buzz worthy topics.
If you go to their website and look at the polls, they only show the polls how Hillary is winning against every GOP front runner. But if you go to similar websites. Those numbers don't quite reflect the same thing.
It's like they cherry-picked the polls they wanted to show. Non-objective Liberal trash.