Reading Horizons is a simple method for teaching reading. As a Reading Specialist and National Board Certified Teacher, I like Reading Horizons because it works! Students of all abilities respond to this method because of the unique coding system. It's also easy to differentiate instruction for the lowest reader to the most advanced reader in my class. I also like the higher order thinking and language development that is involved when students orally "Prove" a word. The support staff and the product will not disappoint!
Jenna always does a wonderful job presenting the horizons content. I teach Kindergarten and I can take new ideas away from the training each time even though the training may be geared or older grades.
I am so excited and eager to get started with Reading Horizons! I just finished the first 3 modules. I appreciated everything in the self-paced training. The instructor's pacing was on point, the instructional context necessary for ALL reading educators, and the videos so wonderful to watch in order to have a greater understanding of the lessons.
I wish my district paid for a kit for EVERY teacher! I have been to many great reading PDs but nothing has ever made more sense than this self-paced training I just experienced. I appreciate the opportunity to get a kit and share this reading wealth with other educators and students at my school site. I am ready to start my implementation and application now!
Our school has been so impressed with the Reading Horizons program and the amazing professional development opportunities that they provide. Our students have shown amazing growth through the use of this program, along with our teachers who have also learned more about the phonetic and decoding skills that are a necessity for their students to become strong readers. Unlike other curriculum-based companies that get you to purchase their products and then leave you out in the cold when you need additional training or have questions, Reading Horizons has absolutely the best ongoing professional development opportunities than any company that I've ever seen in my 28 years of teaching. We have loved working with Jenna and the other trainers, and the company is always evolving according to the teacher's and student's needs. Our students are in a much better place in this world, educationally, by being taught with this program.
Kristi Cool
Reading Specialist
I teach Adult Literacy in Mississippi and have used the Elevate program and software for 4 years. I really like it. My students usually test in the E level of the TABLE test. They score on level 1 or 2. Through reading horizon, I have seen growth in their reading ability and confidence. They have grown levels in their testing, and even moved on th higher testing books.
We are so HAPPY with RH! Our students are better learners and we love the results we have seen over the years by consistently using RH in our classrooms and also various grade levels! Thanks for the quick tips! We liked the Dictation Video- gave us ideas to implement best practices! It's always fun to learn from other professionals! Jenna is ALWAYS engaged, friendly, and encouraging!
Our system has been using Reading Horizons for 6 years. The students love the program and so do the teachers. I love how the program is direct, systematic, and explicit. I love how we teach the meaning behind the skills. Seeing the lightbulbs go off is truly rewarding. Our system also using the online portion: Discovery for grades K-3 and Elevate for 4-5 grade. We use the program in the classroom as well as for intervention. The staff at Reading Horizons is great and always willing to help in any way!
Reading Horizons has transformed me as an educator. I have developed confidence, and better instructional skills as I have learned to implement Reading Horizons with my students. My students love reading horizons because it is simple to understand and they are able to take the information learned and apply it in context. They feel confident to figure out any word and they are able to teach others about the skills as well. Reading Horizons is the key to reading that opens up a whole new way of life for those who have struggled with reading. It is so empowering.
Reading Horizons really helps the students that are struggling with reading. It breaks it down into easy steps to help the students learn. I have seen many wonderful things from teaching my students with Reading Horizons!
I love Reading Horizons. My students love it too! My students love to prove words and to learn the reason behind having to see the word, say the word, make the hand movements, and finally write the word. My struggling readers are improving so much and my fluent readers love to know all these writing strategies to become better spellers and writers.
We use the phonetic skills and decoding skills not just while in our ELA time, but all other subjects!
I can go on and on about how amazing this program is, but go ahead and see for yourself!
Thank you RH representatives especially Ryan Viser! You are the BEST!
Reading Horizons has a rating of 5 stars from 18 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Reading Horizons ranks 5th among Kids Educational Resources sites.