I have tried I don't know how many translation agencies, in order to get the best quality translations, or get the best price for the translation, but whilst price was great, quality was lacking, or vice versa.
Then I tried Raptor Translations, price was great, quality was excellent, but there was one main downside- They were a little slow on the translation side, they told me it would take 5 working days for a translation of 10,000 words, but they took 6 working days to translate the document.
Answer: The customer service of Raptor Translations is quite easy to get hold of, you can easily email them, and they'll get back to really quickly! The only downside is that currently, they do't seem to advertise a phone number on their site, although they can call you if you need them too (email and ask them)
Answer: I have used Raptor Translations around 15 times now, and every time I have used them, I have gotten more than my money's worth!