Ran by incompetent moderation. Mods seem to enable abusive behavior. Whether it's because of lack of insight or what. Don't know. Personality disordered seem to rule on this site, especially narcissistic ones. Wouldn't recommend this site to anyone searching for help for their issues. Also outdated on information.
I found psychforums has helped me over the years process my experience, gain hope, and grown stronger. Thank you to the volunteer writers who keep it going.
I tried registering/signing in with one email and was told to scram and then it happened again with my other email. I guess this bunch doesn't like me. Typical of most psychologically minded people. Taking care of ME means the **** with YOU. How many days go by when YOU don't hear that?
Its really funny though, what passes for tackling problems in this degenerate barbaric "society". Prolly didn't help that I haven't been on this forum for 8 years or so and back then made maybe ONE post and used an entirely different email. Sure don't take much to be branded a failure on America's "psych forum". Maybe they hate me cause I don't accept the ads. Or prolly I'm just too unacceptable. Sounds like the world in general.
Behold the mighty internet, if you don't know what the world thinks u are, just LOG ON and LEARN. Lol.
NO STARS is more appropriate. Nobody is ever there anyway. They solved their problems and moved away.
Best tip for mental health. Make sure you have a community and your love is reciprocated. Then you have it all. But stay far from these arm-busting steaming piles of wasted words, smells like the town dum*
There is a five year old post in this site that confesses to criminal behaviour.
There is no condemnation or advice to inform the authorities.
Hypocritical, totalitarian and disrespectful administration.
I would not recommend it... stay away!