Misleading - This website is misleading. It advertises Free Credit Report. I found nothing free. Instead I was charged a fee on my credit card eventhough I did not authorize it. This site catches you by having you fill out the information form, then upon submitting you are transferred to a payment page. You have to pay their fee to get your results. If you decide not to continue and close out the payment page, they will charge your card for a membership which is a revolving membership account. You will be charged every month unless you cancel it. When you supply the information on the form, you are under the belief the credit report is FREE as stated. On the payment page I did not see any link to accept, confirm or authorize the charge to your card. If you don't want to continue, hit your back button and delete the information, then close out the site. However, I have to say I had no problem in cancelling my account when I phoned them (so far). I commend them for that.
I went to www.privacyplus.ca they had said to enter my membership number and zip code and they said this will give you access to your credit report and credit score i did this and there is no information about it at all i will phone thursday and
Cancell this garbage it really pisses me man i will have to call raise some hell and
Deal with professional people on the internet hope this helps thanks Randy