As a geek, I have a number of things that interest me. On Pinterest, I can create albums of my geeky interests and collect all sorts of stuff about them. For instance, one of my favorites is Album Art. I've got numerous scans of the art from albums from the sixties forward. My other boards are Fossils, Earth Science, Astronomy, Messier Objects, electronics and so on.
I don't really use Pinterest as "social media". My boards are for ME. If you like them too, that cool.
It is a good place to organize all of your favorite trivia that you might otherwise lose.
I love this site! You can many different boards which I take full advantage of! It also helps me put together outfits for school when the seasons change. I can see new styles, great comebacks, DIY projects, and so much more. I even have a dream closet of this site! The designer put a lot of thought into the web design. It is FLAWLESS!
Pintrest for business is a rip off! Realize please that everything you see on the first pages is paid for, and content, no matter how amazing, that is not paid for is pushed to the back. It's as organic as a Monsanto Corn! Bleh, another commercialized platform.
Plus I see what my friends are pinning, do they know I see that? Sometimes the content is not so flattering and I'm sure they would be horrified to know that Pintrest shares their pins (about loosing weight, plastic surgery or Athlete's foot - very nice... NOT). Pintrest needs serious revamp.
I think I might have been a little impatient in my first review and should have taken into account the time in shipping to Hawaii. Nonetheless, I received what I ordered and looking forward to opening it.
Been using pintrest for years inuse it to get ideas for recipes and family issues ect it's awesome and has every idea u could ever imagine on there is wonderful
For a Reviewer Level 1 and a trusted member of the SiteJabber, I'd like to give my third positive review to Pintrest. This site brings us mush convenience! We need sites like this!
Really cool site... its a virtual pin-board... pin all you fav website photos with a link to the site... Great and addicting.
I totally love this app. I will recommend it to anyone. It gives me absolutely good DIYs and hacks, it has also helped my fashion sense
Pintrest has a rating of 3.9 stars from 13 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Pintrest ranks 48th among Social Network sites.