I don't know how many of you remember the time when you could search something in pintrest and know that you would be able to sift through pages of the stuff you actually searched for. But now a days that's not the case. Now when you search something... As in like I just did about 30 min ago. I typed in decal to see if I could find some cool decal ideas. I got several... But as I sifted through the different images I started to get things that weren't exactly what I had hoped for. I got images of boobs, gif's of women lifting up their shirts to reveal themselves, cartoon characters in very imposing positions, comics that people have created with two male characters of a show having intercourse and then one getting pregnant and then going into labor.
Now don't get me wrong... I am all about everyone having their freedom to do as they please, post what they please, saying what they want to say without any repercussion what so ever. But on a site like pintrest where you have a variety of people on there. I would assume that it would not be at all demanding if I were to ask for just some filtering through this crap. I mean I am a grown $#*! man, and I don't have a problem with some of this stuff cause now a days its everywhere, and you get used to it. But having it almost constant on this website/ app is getting annoying. I am married, and I hope to one day have children, and I love to do fun projects with my wife, and hopefully with my future children. I would love to be able to sit them down and scroll through a site like pintrest used to be and feel like I can comfortably go through things and not have something like a man's penis, or some drawn pokemon orgy popping up on the feed. I can understand it is hard to sift through so many things, and people have their ways of getting through the blocks and what not. But you have got to be kidding me where an online entity cannot some how figure out a way to get these images off, or sift through them better. It is ridiculous.
I still use pintrest I will admit that. But it is getting to a point where I am about 2 steps away from removing my account, and the app from my phone and figuring out some other form of inspiration for things. I am sick of seeing this crap. Our world has become so demoralized that it is getting to that point where it needs a good swift kick in the pants. But I want to be able to have stuff like pintrest not be gunked up by crap like porn, or some person's fantasies about a woman and some form of animal. Leave that to the porn sites. Or your own person journal.
This is literally a form of asking pintrest to please fix it. I like pintrest. Don't let it go from fun and enjoyable pintrest to porntrest.