Old Williamsburgh Candle

Old Williamsburgh Candle

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I was thrilled to find these 3oz mason jar candles in white online (even though they were priced at $2, when all Dollar Tree stores sell them in different colors for $1). However, when it was time to check out (trying to purchase 4 cases, 48 candles), my card got declined. I called my bank and they said they didn't even see an attempted charge, so maybe the site didn't accept Discover. I tried a Visa, and got the same error message asking me to verify payment info because it got declined. I knew there was plenty on each of those cards, so I called customer service. They said all they could do is write up a ticket to their "next level" customer service people and that I should hear back within 48 hours. Seeing as today is Friday, I am not hopeful. Will update review once I hear back. ( I would like to add that the site itself is clunky and outdated, not very user friendly).

Date of experience: May 4, 2018