This site is a great platform to buy products n even to sell yours. They even provide an app that a easy to use and helpful with a simple step. It's comes with various type of categories for your choices such as cars & motorcycles & their accessories, men's & women's collections, mom's & kid's collections, home & business furnitures, kitchen's wear, electronics, gadgets. On top of it's, they even have services, business & properties for sale and rent. They even have a job categories for a job seekers. You can search thru out the state's or for more specific provinces, cities in your area. I have use it. Worthwhile. One of the largest and oldest online shopping site in malaysia. Very convenience. Less scammers. Low site fees where anits good for sellers. Absolutely amazing for anyone who love to shop online for absolutely anythgs u desired..
Online business somehow feel so hard but actually they are so easy if we have knowledge and chances. From this website we can easily access and get know about it better.
A great site to find prelove items and stuff. Can sell almost anythings from baby oils to heavy machines. Just beware of fraud dealers. There are plenty of them there.
The apps are so helpfull many people for online shopping. The price are cheaper than the normal price..