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Save your money, this is the worst company. They continuously lie about when your item will ship. Blatant lies. After weeks, and weeks of waiting my order still says pending shipment. I call, and wait forever for a customer service rep and then they tell you it has ship or it is going to ship but it never does. They also refuse to expedite your shipping even after you've waited over a month. Whenever you get upset no matter how many reps you speak with, the only solution they have without any hesitation is "you can cancel your order if you'd like." This company has absolutely no integrity and their customer service reps are the worst. STAY AWAY. Who care's if the shipping is free, it's only free because they never ship!

Date of experience: June 29, 2012
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There is absolutely no follow through from this company. I ordered a toddler bed online, and didn't receive it after 6 weeks so I finally cancelled my order (after I had been told on numerous occassions that is had shipped---it never did). This was in July of 2009, it is now September 2009 and I still haven't gotten my money back. There phone is no longer connected. I email daily, sometimes twice a day and get no response or the run around. HORRIBLE customer service.

Date of experience: September 8, 2009