I am very grateful that this service is available. It is a comfort to know that this efficient system exists to protect our loved ones. My kitty came home on her own but I was consoled that word was out and people could help and contact me. Thank you.
We were thrilled with the service and compassion we received from lost my kitty.com. Our Chester was missing for a week when I found this service. The Amber alerts combined with advice on how and where to look for him and where to place ads were extremely helpful and within 48 hours we found him courtesy of a lovely family in a different housing development across the street. We are so grateful.
I'm glad we have services like that, even though I thought I would never need them. But, posting alerts there helped me find my Lucky after she fell down from the window and ran away. I can't be thankful enough for your help!
Your Testimonial:
Found Lady! By the Grace of God and unrelenting prayer. After putting up signs and calling shelters and posting photos. Constant walkabouts paid off. Your service was very heartwarming really and gave me hope. I would just like to say thank you!
Monica Finch
There responses and actions were overwhelmingly immediate. So very grateful.
I am grateful that there are services such as yours that help by taking action and spreading the word with emails, faxes, and alerts throughout the community. Before our cat "Charly" went missing I had no idea that these services existed. I am especially grateful for one of the services that you provide and that is the "flier." When our beloved boy was missing and we were under stress and dealing with the burden of not knowing where he was, your dedicated team did the work for us of creating the flier with the necessary details about him and all we had to do was print and post them and/or hand them out. We're beyond grateful that our beautiful boy is back home with us! Thank you "lostmykitty.com" for all that you do for us "pet parents!" <3 <3
Lost my kitty is a SCAM. They offer FAKE services. I paid for marketing and advertising of phone calls, postings at vet offices and mail flyers and now over a month later they have not fulfilled my order, refunded me or communicated with me. No response via email *******@lostmydoggie.com or phone **********. I would have used another service you help me with this and now it's too late.
Be careful before you give them your credit card information. The site says if you find your cat before the next alert they will refund your money. I found my cat dead 35 min after signing up to the site and made the changes immediately. They don't answer the phone and they don't return your calls. They seem to be a scam.
My kitty was reunited with me a short while after setting up my add. I saw my add posted and hoped for the best but was worried that a new to the area kitty was going to be hard to find. Later that night I had a knock on my door & I opened it to find my kitty was found & returned to me. He was so happy to be home. I'm sure he has some very good things to say about the services at LostMyKitty. After lots of loving & his favorite meal he played with his toys then had a nap.
Jareth went missing March 19,2021. I thought I would never see him again or worse. I happened to check my email September 21, and saw an email from lostmykitty.com with a phone number and a name. I assumed it was spam but texted anyway. I'm so glad I did because someone had him on their patio that same night and found my 6 month old listing on this sight and found me on Facebook as well! I headed to her location after work, walked around for about 30 mins, and when I came back to my car he was sitting right there waiting for me. I am forever grateful to have my son back home!
Thankfully our Halli girl, aka kitty/kitten, was found in our home, but we are so thankful for this resource! It gave an extra sense of security and relief to know there were others aware of and looking for our precious kitten. Thank you so much for having this site to help ease the anxiety and pain of a lost family member!
Answer: Yes, I was the one that paid for the amber alert service through LostMyKitty.com- they were great and I had many leads from them. Highly recommend their service.
Answer: They robocall homes, including those on the do not call list. If you do business with them, they will use your phone number to annoy a bunch of people who do not want to be disturbed. (You will be in company with those people trying to sell Vindows security patches, etc.) Not associated with company, but did get a robocall from them.
LostMyKitty.com has a rating of 3.5 stars from 94 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. LostMyKitty.com ranks 5th among Lost Pet sites.