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You can be assured that any meaningful argument over the poorly formed articles on this site will be halted with the moderators having the final say.

This site, through ads, capitalises on creating content that does not add anything of value to debates; rather it simply creates controversial headlined stories as clickbait in exactly the same manner as the equally terrible sites it tries to ridicule.

Like so many soapbox sites, stay away. Read something informative and balanced that will improve your knowledge instead.

Date of experience: April 5, 2017
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Standard watchdog website
February 13, 2018

Standard but uncompromising watchdog website, monitoring Islamophobic racism, anti-Muslim and anti-Arab chauvinism and bigotry, with excellent writers whose writing abilities and wit make otherwise dry tematics and reports on the topic much more interesting reading material. Bravo!
PS. Almost all so called "fact checking" websites based in US are vehemently against Loonwatch-ers, ridiculously unfoundedly accusing them for appeasing and even supporting radicals, fundamentalists and terrorism, except RationalWiki where general consensus among editors tells entirely different story.

Date of experience: February 13, 2018