I haven't really commented or started any thread or forum on the site since I am not a member but the so-called marines on this site love to flaunt their deluded authority around and they expect everybody, whether or not they are a marine, to capitalize the m and they expect that kind of respect for non members to show to them but hardly any of them are willing to show the same respect and courtesy to other people and other members of service. I don't know where these marine losers get their delusions of grandeur from.
Semper Fi
Website for the United States Marine Corps (USMC), popularly known as 'leathernecks'. (British marines are similarly known as 'bootnecks')
Interesting. Limited site access unless you sign up as a registered member.
Caters for veterans, serving marines and those considering joining up. Quite a lot of info, many forums and galleries once you sign up.
A maze of pop-ups, unauthorized loggin restrictions and squad leaders (think high school hall monitors with clipboards and whistles - or Gomer Pyle) stand vigil over forums that are rarely of any genuine interest, plenty of copy and paste. Noobz and wannabes are required to stand fast when a L/Cpl calls the room to attention - or an individual member on his or her grammatical errors.
There are a few Rubes on-board who appear to be oblivious to their derelict status in the jar community, most notable is an old poser who's name "carrvy1" has become interchangeable with lies, blunders, ignorance, racism, deceit, et al