I just received my first Latisse box and was horrified at the amount of plastic brushes included with the prescription. I completely understand the emphasis on "sterilization," but this is ridiculous. If mascara companies are able to sell their reusable brush products, there has to be a way for Latisse to figure this out. If you are still using this product, I hope you feel a little guilty.
My lashes grew like 1/2 an inch! I didn't believe it at first and saw that Brooke Shields was endorsing it so I went and bought it. The sad part is that all of the effects are lost if you stop paying the 150 dollars a month for the product.
I have been using it for about 6 weeks and can already see improvement. I expect it will be as dramatic as it claims. HOWEVER, the cost for a prescription is outrageous. Instead, go to www.alldaychemist.com and purchase it for $10 per bottle. Then use the money you saved to get a bunch of fine-line eyeliner brushes. :)
I had to write this review because I think this is the most revolutionary product ever! No more mascara, no more eyeliner... just longer, thicker lashes for real. I heard about the small risk of turning blue eyes brown, but I don't think that is a real risk. Besides, my eyes are green anyways... The only bad part is the cost of this is like 100 dollars a month depending where you buy it at and you have to get it from your doctor. Shop around as I have noticed great price differences at different places.
This product is a miracle. Longer lashes for REAL. No more fakes, no more mascara. I reviewed this product when it first came out and now have had enough time to say it truly works. I actually almost have to start trimming my eyelashes they are so long. Never thought I would ever have to do that.
I have been using latisse for 6 weeks now and can honestly say my eyelashes are longer and thicker. It does still sting my eyes a little bit but it is well worth it to have longer lashes for real. No more fake lashes. People think I am wearing fake lashes because my real lashes are so long now!
I used Latisse before and then I switched to cheap version of Latisse Careprost from "GETLASH247" (You can search for this on Google, to save $$$) but I'm pretty sure both product (Latisse and Careprost) act the same way since they share the same active ingredient. My short Asian eyelashes can now hold their own against other people's eyelashes! They definitely became longer, fuller, and darker. Of course, no review should be completed without cons and warnings.
1. I felt a pressure on my eye during the first and second week. It faded around week 3-4.
2. The area around my eye can get irritated so I used Aquaphor to soothe it.
3. Pigmentation on eyelids is a common side effect. For my skin tone, it looks like I'm wearing permanent eyeshadow.
There are many products that claim to give you lashes that LOOK longer and thicker though none of them really officially say they will grow your lashed. Latisse is a prescription product that requires you to go to a doctor and get longer lashes and it really works. I mean my lashes FRiGGIN grew longer by about half a centimenter... maybe more. The downside is the cost. Shop around as you can find a BOGO if you look long enough.
Amazing! This really works. You do need to go to your doctor to get a prescription but my lashes grew longer by about 1/4 of a inch.
Answer: I used Latisse before and then I switched to cheap version of Latisse Careprost from "GETLASH247" (You can search for this on Google, to save $$$) but I'm pretty sure both product (Latisse and Careprost) act the same way since they share the same active ingredient.