Little to no ability to mute callers if you have a lot of callers, they offer no refunds whatsoever. No refunds are offered with this company.
I would work with another provider that offers better services and a better refund policy. It is obvious the company does not stand by their product if they don't offer a guarantee or refund.
This site is from the people who brought you LogMeIn (the awesome remote desktop control website). Use this site to let someone online view your desktop live online.
No signup is needed. No need to give them your e-mail and worry about getting junk mail. Just go to and click on share. You may need to run an. Exe file (but without installation of software), and then your desktop will be broadcast live. You will then need to give the viewer a special code with they will enter with and see your site.
You have the option of giving the viewer control of the keyboard and mouse by clicking the mouse icon that appears on top of the screen. You also can get a call-in number to conference people if you have several viewers!
I remember first hearing about back around 2010 when I was looking for a way to teach people how to do things over the Internet. It was a pretty decent free tool allowing me to teach people how to fix their operating system or make specific changes. Over the years they have made the free version less bearable and have been trying to force their users to use the paid version of the website. This morning they sent out an email specifically gloating about removing two features from the free version and placing it behind a pay wall.
This used to be a great free service with some paid features that made it useful to business folk, but now the free version of the service has essentially become worthless and has gotten a lot of people to go to alternatives, most of which actually perform better than the paid version of the software. LogMeIn as a whole has been falling in usability in their software offerings over the past few years and their PR department makes it rather obvious that they don't care how their long-lasting users feel about the changes. Their only interest is to get as many customers as possible, even if they have to burn bridges with their longest customers through this progress.