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I am very good at getting info from the web, a free source. Foolishly I allowed myself to get sucked into and somehow came with it (or vice versa). One of these required a good faith deposit of $5, but that immediately became in something near or over $20. No new information was forthcoming-I was sent the exact same web info that I already had from the manufacturer, which didn't answer my need for service details. I have searched the web site for ways to close my unsatisfactory relationship. In my effort to be fair this identical review is being posted with as well.
Frank L.

Date of experience: October 2, 2014
New York
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This site is garbage, it's specifically designed to confuse users looking for answers by appearing high up on the google search list. It's main goal is to get you clicking around aimlessly searching for "answers" which DON'T EXIST! just wants to get page clicks and ad revenue, that's why it appears as though you'll be able to find your answer if you just click one more button/link -but you'll never get your answer, you'll only be adding to the web traffic on the site. Even worse than! 0/0 stars would not use again.

Date of experience: May 3, 2012
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November 24, 2013

Warning. Their email support refused three requests to delete my account.
Update: On the fourth email, I was told that the account had already been removed. Still not recommending the site because of this experience, but it does appear to have at least some useful information.

Date of experience: November 24, 2013
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These people will try to smooth talk you into a deal, but a closer look will show that they are hiding things from you. They won't match advertised prices. They want to argue with you about why they don't need to match another dealerships price. There's something very shady going on there.

Date of experience: April 15, 2016
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As a person who is an expert at finding stuff on the web I am not happy with them. Their are a lot of sites that you can get answers from. You may have reasons why you go to a site like these. I have been paid 100 of dollars to do so. I do not know how may other people have had issues getting paid from this company they send gift cards not cash so far I have not received anything a walmart gift card what is called an Icard and an amazon gift card. So far all I have gotten is excuses. No wonder they have so many unanswered questions.

So if you are looking for answers try weegy if you are on your computer and if you need something on the move go to chacha. KGB charges how much I do not know they pay us well.

Date of experience: September 13, 2014
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I would like to firstly say i never take time to complain about sites but this has been quite annoying
I give up on helpowl since about two weeks ago i joined helpowl and put considerable work in to find 12 manuals
I still have recieved no compensation points and emailed them four times with no reply
I would not reccommend this site to anyone and also the person who got paid 100dollars is obviusly getting paid for a good review

Date of experience: March 15, 2015
5 reviews
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To download something they force you to run/install Easy Online Conversions – Allin1Convert toolbar. THAT'S CRAP.

You must be logged in to download. "Click here to log in, or you can also create a free new account." MORE CRAP.

Date of experience: April 24, 2014
Saudi Arabia
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It's helpful
September 2, 2020

It's nice especially when it comes to online business, very simple to use, that's why it deserves four stars

Date of experience: September 2, 2020
62 reviews
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Fourth update [4/22/22]
November 14, 2013

This help site, like many others, offers advice provided by users. The help concerns issues with one of the listed online and offline companies, of which there is a huge number. Unlike the competition, the site materially rewards those who answer the questions.

The quality of the answers provided at the site has improved markedly since the site's early days. At this time many of the answers are exceedingly helpful. I submit many answers myself [as "Odin"] and folks can completely rely on my answers--but I see as well an impressive amount of valuable information submitted by others, and only a tiny number of answers that are off-base. This may be the result of HelpOwl's [perhaps too much] in screening both questions and answers.

My reading of the negative reviews here has been a revelation to me--not about Help Owl but about the strange ideas of some Sitejabber reviewers, One says, "These people will try to smooth talk you into a deal"--Help Owl doesn't make deals. Another says, "Helpowl does not credit account"--but in over 10 years I've always received prompt credit, which if claimed on a Thursday will be awarded the next day. Another talks about a "good faith deposit," but HelpOwl never demands deposits at all.

If you answer questions, compensation is in the form of gift cards from your choice of listed providers. Each accepted answer is worth currently about 20 cents at Amazon or, somewhat less at iCard. If the questioner does not accept an answer, the site will after several days accept what it considers the first good answer, for the same reward.


1. Compensation. This is negligible for questioners but can add up well for answerers.

2. Wide choice of companies about which you can submit questions and answers.

3. Personal notification of questions about your selected companies and websites.

4. Helpful information.


1. Staff review of answers not accepted by questioners is too often inept.

2. Questions are deleted for unexplained reasons, even occasionally after answers are submitted.

2. Support is patchy. Some support questions will be answered; others will be ignored.

3. Probably as a result of the site's promotional practices, a great many questioners believe they are asking help directly of the subject companies.

UPDATE. Same star rating, but I thought I should mention that the awarding of points/credits is off base. Help Owl considerately does publicly track the points awarded to the top contributors--and it's annoying that one whose answers are wrong [not accepted] close to half the time can rate higher (in the 15-day count) than one whose answers are accepted close to 90% of the time. This system rewards answerers who give little thought to correctness in favor of quantity, and thereby compromise the reliability of the site.

Date of experience: September 4, 2011