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Very good website!
November 6, 2020

Very good website with great design, photos and nice representation. If you are really looking for some answers, is an excellent place for time spending and education. This website always come up with the answer.
Well done and keep up adding more and interesting material.

Date of experience: November 5, 2020
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I am a former Jeeviant, back in the day when the website had a Consumer side ( and various entities) as well as the Corporate side (Dell, Toshiba, Micron, Compaq/ HP, etc.).

The website now, minus any "Editorial" staff, scores on keyword, only, extremely poorly. Link after link does not work. This is unfortunate as I started with the company over twenty years ago-- it was minuscule. It rose up the ranks. Then, with the perversion of certain monies, it, ironically, lost much of its worth,

Date of experience: February 10, 2022
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I am a former "Jeeviant"
January 25, 2019

I was with the company in its early stages. Over time, Ask Jeeves (as it was then called) became a well-oled machine. As it is now, it is horrid. It scores on keywords, no different than Yahoo, Lycos or even Excite (which now owns).

Date of experience: January 25, 2019
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£25 taken from my credit card account wrongly on 30. 11. 19. False reviews may be "against the law"! How about taking my £25 - is that against the law?
Of course it is but doesn't even acknowledge their actions. When will I get my money back?
This is appalling but now so typical of online robbery!
Peter Beckett

Date of experience: January 3, 2020
New Zealand
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I found a way to get rid of this godforsaken app out of your business; on your laptop, in the top right corner of the Google Chrome window, there should see either three dots or horizontal lines. That is the Tools menu. Go to it, and click on the Settings section. When you go into Settings, scroll down to the Search Engine section. Then what you do, is click on Manage Search Engines, and disable the search engine, and make Google your Search Engine.

Date of experience: November 13, 2018
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January 26, 2017

This is positioned as a search engine, but my experience with it is mostly bad. The thing sets up on your browser and replaces the start page, very hard to delete then...

Date of experience: January 25, 2017
2 reviews
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I have never seen a business model so shamelessly predicated on the idea of betrayal. Let me give you an example of how Ask works, I'll be the sales clerk at a brink and mortar; are you ready? "Hi, how are you today? So you're looking for information on the war of 1812 huh? Well ill just knock you out and when you wake up, you'll find that I've locked you in a little cage. Oh good you'really awake, so back to the War of 1812, I don't have any information for you but I'd be happy to sell you this jacket made out of lamas hair at above market value, or how about this collection of nuts and bolts engraved with flowers sold by a place in Istanbul, Turkey. What you just want you're freedom? Not with out a fight kiddo. Using Ask, I imagine, Is the online equivalent to joining Scientology.

Date of experience: February 15, 2016
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You suck
January 3, 2016

I hate your browser. It sucks. I have to go through so mays links before I find what I'm looking for. And some of them repeat over and over again. With google I get the answer I'm looking for one the first search, I don't know how you stay in business. The only reason I tried using you was because you were defaulted on my computer. Not only that I take me many tries just to find a place to give you this review. What a waste of my time

Date of experience: January 3, 2016
3 reviews
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Do not download anything from this horror! It comes with the virus-laden Babylon toolbar!

Most of the answers I have seen have been incredibly ignorant, like misspelling words when people have asked how to spell it.

Date of experience: August 9, 2014
6 reviews
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I always go to this site if I have a need an answer. They always come up with something that is helpful, sometimes it takes time but I almost always get answers for any questions I ask. Thanks guys!

Date of experience: September 7, 2020


Ask has a rating of 1.9 stars from 55 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers dissatisfied with Ask most frequently mention and search engine. Ask ranks 236th among Search sites.
