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I like this website and it's the first gaming search engine that i've used. It's an easy interface and it's up to date.

The only thing is that when a new patch comes out or something new comes along, it takes a day or so to update so while i'm busy trying to look for something, it doesn't exist or has no information on it, especially since it's based off of user comments.

Wowhead has information on it by its self because the content manager makes sure to add them in if a commenter hasn't mentioned anything yet. Other than that, it's about the same. So it's all about preference.

Date of experience: August 9, 2010
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The google of WoW
October 31, 2007

The google of WoW - What can I say, this is the best search engine ever developed for a video game. Nothing can touch this. In fact, if it wasnt for this search engine, I would never be able to find anything on WoW. Use it to end your quests asap and pimp out your char.

Date of experience: October 31, 2007
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I just read Todd review and I am not surprised that this is one of the top sites in the entire world. Pretty much everyone who plays WOW uses throttbot all of the time with wikia being a close second. I would definitely say throttbot blows Wikia away though and wikia is filled with bad information too.

Date of experience: August 9, 2010
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Throttbot is ranked 1997th website in traffic in the ENTIRE world. Think about it... the search engines only purpose is to search for quests in World of Warcraft. I guess it makes sense because people will stop living in the real world and just live in the world of warcraft instead. I have met people who earn their living making virtual gold on warcraft and pay rent that way. At any rate, if you at all play WOW, then definitely take a look at this site.

Date of experience: June 8, 2010
4 reviews
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That web site is really good if you are looking for solve wow quest! 1 of the best site

Date of experience: October 26, 2013